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Wish Your Partner Would Initiate Sex Better?

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Announcing The Power of Love Summit
Do you long for more meaningful relationships or wish to find healing and growth through love? Perhaps you’re wondering how to reignite the spark in

The Touch I Crave
Are you getting enough touch? I just can’t get enough. I need a lot of physical connection. I want to be massaged. Held. Cuddled. Snuggled.

New! DESIRE Bars Now Available By The Box
Now, you can get our new DESIRE Bars by the dozen. They are made for daily snacking. They work best when you consume maca, cacao,

5 Years In The Making: The DESIRE Bar!
The DESIRE Bar is a sexual vitality snack. Support blood flow, sexual desire, and stamina while eating a healthy treat. Five years in the making…

12 “Sexy Gratitude” Sentences You Can Use During Sex
Try this as an on-ramp to becoming more comfortable talking during sex: Begin a gratitude practice. Your partner wants to know they are doing a

Announcing The Power of Love Summit
Do you long for more meaningful relationships or wish to find healing and growth through love? Perhaps you’re wondering how to reignite the spark in

The Touch I Crave
Are you getting enough touch? I just can’t get enough. I need a lot of physical connection. I want to be massaged. Held. Cuddled. Snuggled.

New! DESIRE Bars Now Available By The Box
Now, you can get our new DESIRE Bars by the dozen. They are made for daily snacking. They work best when you consume maca, cacao,

5 Years In The Making: The DESIRE Bar!
The DESIRE Bar is a sexual vitality snack. Support blood flow, sexual desire, and stamina while eating a healthy treat. Five years in the making…

12 “Sexy Gratitude” Sentences You Can Use During Sex
Try this as an on-ramp to becoming more comfortable talking during sex: Begin a gratitude practice. Your partner wants to know they are doing a
Recent Comments
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