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The Touch I Crave

Are you getting enough touch?

I just can’t get enough. I need a lot of physical connection.

I want to be massaged.






I crave long, lingering hugs.

I have myriad parts that demand constant attention:

Always, Always, Always… Lower Back.

I want to get lost in kissing.

I need my hair stroked.

I want Yoni massages.

I want to give blow jobs.

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I want intercourse of all sorts from me on top, taking full charge while you just surrender, and I deliver by getting myself off on you.

To intercourse where I’m doggy and we’re looking at each other in the mirror so I can watch you come.

Sometimes, I need that slow, loving, soulful intercourse where you’re looking in my eyes.

Wrestling is also fun! Just rolling around on the floor together.

I like ass smacks and package grabs. I like fly-by-titty squeezes. 

I find myself waning when I don’t get a daily touch of this kind. I lose a bit of my oomph. I go into a reflective portal, which is fine. It’s good to take a pause. But after a few days, my emotional tone becomes attenuated; I feel listless and untethered. I’ll masturbate, and that is fun for a day or two. But the oxytocin withdrawal starts to make me feel not depressed, but life loses color for me. I begin to get lonely. My desire for my lover starts to build. I move from longing to desire. The distance between us is stoking my lust furnace.

The best thing I can imagine is that my man will have the house straightened, dishes done, the bedroom set up with the

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, glasses and a pitcher of water, the little blanket I like over my top when he’s giving me a Yoni massage — and there he is, all freshly showered, nails trimmed, clean tee shirt and loose pants on, a sexy playlist going…

I can just shower, lie down, and fall into him. Hug and reconnect. Allow the stresses to release slowly. And see where we go from there.

It’s always an adventure, and we relax with each other every time. 

A craving for deep-throating.

A Yoni massage that leads to intercourse.

69 until my knees buckle.

All three and more…

We are constantly evolving humans, maturing and changing every moment. Following our desires makes sex full of variety seated on a foundation of safety. This, to me, is one of the most charming things about our sexuality; it’s ever-evolving into more pleasure and connection.

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