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 Announcing The Power of Love Summit

Do you long for more meaningful relationships or wish to find healing and growth through love?

Perhaps you’re wondering how to reignite the spark in your intimate relationship, or maybe you’re trying to navigate the difficult waters of family disagreements… 

Or perhaps you’re searching for a way to bring more love and understanding into your interactions with the world.

I’m so happy to announce an extraordinary new event our friends at Wisdom for Life have put together, one that I know is going to help a lot of people…

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  • Byron Katie’s Questioning Your Thoughts: The Key to a Joy-Filled Existence Video Presentation
  • Matt Kahn’s Loving Whatever Arises: The Journey of Heart-Centered Self-Realization Video Presentation
  • Justin Michael Williams’ Personal Transformation: Breaking Through Your Inner Blocks to Love Who You Really Are Video Presentation
  • Chapter from Anne Lamott’s new book, Somehow: Thoughts on Love
  • Annie Lalla’s new guide, Love, Sex & Conflict: The Expose 

Everything from the healing power of love, to love for ourselves, romantic love and intimate relationships, love for our family and friends, love for our community and humanity, love for our planet, what religious and spiritual traditions teach us about love, and more…

And every session starts with the question: What is love?

The Summit features a remarkable group of presenters including relationship psychologists, social scientists, marriage and family counselors, health professionals who integrate love into healing practices, artists and storytellers who explore themes of love in their work, spiritual leaders, and so many more…

Please join Deepak Chopra, Jane Fonda, Marianne Williamson, Michael Beckwith, Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield, Anne Lamott, Sharon Salzberg, John Gray, Trudy Goodman, Kute Blackson, Thomas Hübl, Ocean Robbins, Valarie Kaur, Sue Morter and 40 more presenters… 

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Take a look at how the Summit can help you…

Boost Your Self-Love – Master self-care practices that affirm your value and enhance your self-esteem

Revitalize Your Love Life – Rekindle romance and intimacy with expert-led sessions addressing common relationship challenges

Strengthen Family Bonds – Mend and deepen relationships with tools that foster understanding and respect across generations

Embrace Healing Techniques – Participate in sessions that utilize love as a foundational tool for emotional and physical healing

Celebrate Love’s Transformative Power – End the Summit empowered with actionable steps, inspiration, and a renewed belief in the power of love to change lives…

The mission of this Summit is to inspire personal growth, strengthen relationships as well as love for ourselves, and help empower people to be a force for positive change in a world that needs more love, compassion and connection…

Please join us and discover important new possibilities for your life — as we look deeply together at the transformative power of love.

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