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Tallulah Sulis



“Hi, My name is Tallulah Sulis.


I teach workshops about holistic sexuality and help in the arena of Sexual/Relational Heath and Well being.”

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After learning how to ejaculate herself, Tallulah knew that she had found her calling — to educate people about the pleasures and wonders of their sexuality.

She studied with the pioneers, Deborah Sundahl, Annie Sprinkle and Joseph Kramer; rented every sex-ed DVD she could get her hands on, became a CMT and a Sexological Bodyworker, took Tantra and sexual healing classes and befriended educators, artists, activists, dancers, healers and Tantrikas to learn as much as she could and venture into those waters herself.

Sexuality coach over the phone and in-person.

She dedicated blood, sweat, tears and uh….ejaculate — LOTS of it, to be what she is now today. Tallulah traveled around the country teaching workshops, and performing with a circus group she co-created called The Tantric Circus.

Appearing on Playboy TV, Penn & Teller, radio shows, podcasts, sex education films and British TV, she realized that female ejaculation was becoming one of the hottest topics around and she was quickly becoming the spokesperson and one of the leading experts on the subject. Being an obsessive sex-geek and devoting her entire career to squirting was starting to pay-off! She is a relationship and sexuality coach over the phone and in-person and is also the creator of several online programs, notably, Female Liquid Orgasm, Squirt Your Heart Out and Keep Her Coming, which include eBooks, video clips, interviews and audio tutorials.

Tallulah is now a respected and highly sought after somatic sexologist, sex educator, Hakomi counselor and coach. And you think she’ll stop there? Nahhh! Tallulah recently graduated from Interchange Counseling Institute.

Making the world a juicier place to live in is truly her destiny.
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