Argh Matey!
Fair warning, I’m going to shiver your timbers about sex right off the bat.
If you believe sex is all about the ol’ “in-and-out,” ripping off each other’s clothing, and climaxing together, think again.
That’s just the tip, sailor.
Real lovemaking, the kind that transcends simple physical pleasure, the kind that reaches new levels of ecstasy, heart-connected bonding, and soul-melding passion, is A LOT more.
If all you know about sex are the big 4 (missionary, 69, doggy, and oral), this email will help open your eyes to the near-unlimited pleasure you can have with your partner.
Whether you’re single or married, male or female, top or bottom, shy or confident, a wild bucking stallion or a sexual tigress, these articles on our website will take your sex life from zero to infinity and beyond starting tonight.
Start with this one where I talk about why my husband and I still LOVE making love even after 25 years of marriage.
For the guys…
You might want to start off with these 27 Heart-To-Heart Sex Talk Questions To Ask Your Wife.
Then move on to these powerful Erotic Escalation Techniques.
If you didn’t know, here is an article about the elusive Vestibular Bulbs, which when stroked, gives your woman maximum pleasure.
Now, if you’re a guy who longs to give your woman the full-body orgasms she deserves during lovemaking, check out this article on How To Give A Woman Orgasms During Intercourse.
To increase the raw, carnal desire in your lover, check out this 7-Year Expanded Orgasm Practice Report.
For the ladies…
Here’s one of my favorite articles on How To Improve Your Sexual Potential As A Woman.
And on a similar note, here’s an article on How To Erotically Empower Your Femininity.
For you to feel more sexual pleasure, here’s how to open up and surrender to sensations your lover is giving you.
And you know, men just love being orally pleasured. Here’s Why Men Just Can’t Get Enough Of Oral Sex.
These should be enough for you to have fun with… for now.
Knowing is half the battle, but even if you know all these, they’ll be of no use to you until you PUT them to use.
So use your favorite ones tonight.
Have the relationship and sex life you deserve.