Have you ever tried subtly seducing your partner, but they just said “NO?”
That’s because when most people try to ask someone out, introduce romance, start sex, or propose, it’s a “Yes or No question.”
However, there’s a sneaky, subtle, powerful way to up the chances of someone saying “Yes.”
Hypnosis? Nope. None of that far-out stuff.
This is just basic, human, brain-heart-body seduction.
Check this out:
How To Make Your Love Say Yes… Always ⇐ Seduction Secrets
“Do you want me to take you by the hand and lead you to the bedroom?”
“Would you rather I pick you up and carry you?”
“Or would you like to come over here right now, sit on my lap, and let me kiss you first?”
“Do you want a glass of Chardonnay? A foot rub? Or would you like to go for a little walk in the neighborhood?”
“Do you want a breast massage? Some hugs and kisses? Or an Expanded Orgasm date (a genital massage) where I stroke you with oil?”
Those are some fine examples of giving your lover a “menu of small offers.”
The second of The Four Keys to Seduction is called “Small Offers.”
Here’s how it works.
Would you rather have one option or three?
Do you like multiple-choice questions that make it easy to pick a brilliant answer?
We all do. It is human nature.
Instead of asking a date or your partner, “What do you want to do?”
To which they reply, “Uhhhh… I don’t know. What do YOU want to do?”
Run them a small menu of options.
Run a menu and use the other Four Keys to Seduction, Erotic Vigilance, Sexual Vision, and Vulnerability to decide what goes on that menu. You will have the perfect ingredients for a white-hot, passionate encounter.
The more you run menus using all Four Keys to Seduction, the more your partners will say, “YES!”
Combining The Four Keys To Seduction makes it effortless to seduce someone.
You don’t have to feel uncertainty… you know what to do.
You don’t have to worry about rejection… you know what offers will be graciously accepted.
Using The Four Keys drives your win rate through the roof!
Learn more about The Seduction Trilogy ⇐ All The Details.

A vital note… This program is as effective for the masculine as it is for the feminine and anyone in between.
It’s for people to create more fun experiences together.
The Seduction Trilogy ⇐ Discover The Keys To Seduction.

All information from Susan Bratton, Personal Life Media, The20, and our collective brands are personal opinions. The statements made within this email/website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements and the products of this company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always seek consultation from your doctor.