Let Her Just Lie There
It is perfectly normal and acceptable for a woman or a man to simply lie there and enjoy the sensations in the moment.
It is perfectly normal and acceptable for a woman or a man to simply lie there and enjoy the sensations in the moment.
Have you or your lover ever wrestled with getting your mind off your responsibilities so you could focus on your lovemaking date?
Orgasm is a wave and many series of waves in the ocean of awareness, not a point of experience. We are tuning into a show that is already in progess, eternally. Every woman is different and every woman is different every time.
Women have a completely different orgasmic footprint. Here’s how it works for women who have practiced and trained their bodies to leverage their maximum orgasmic potential.
Whether you or your partner are overweight, suffer from pain, are sized differently or simply want to make love longer…
To some, Expanded Lovemaking (by what ever name you choose to call it) seems serendipitous, out of their control — something wonderful that “just happens” when conditions concatenate just so.
The Favorite Frames technique expands and deepens your experience.
A frame is like the frame or border around a picture – it’s a snapshot in time (or a short time sequence).
There are four basic languages of touch. The more you touch her, the more intimately connected she becomes to you, and the more she will want your touch.
It is perfectly normal and acceptable for a woman or a man to simply lie there and enjoy the sensations in the moment.
Have you or your lover ever wrestled with getting your mind off your responsibilities so you could focus on your lovemaking date?
Orgasm is a wave and many series of waves in the ocean of awareness, not a point of experience. We are tuning into a show that is already in progess, eternally. Every woman is different and every woman is different every time.
Women have a completely different orgasmic footprint. Here’s how it works for women who have practiced and trained their bodies to leverage their maximum orgasmic potential.
Whether you or your partner are overweight, suffer from pain, are sized differently or simply want to make love longer…
To some, Expanded Lovemaking (by what ever name you choose to call it) seems serendipitous, out of their control — something wonderful that “just happens” when conditions concatenate just so.
The Favorite Frames technique expands and deepens your experience.
A frame is like the frame or border around a picture – it’s a snapshot in time (or a short time sequence).
There are four basic languages of touch. The more you touch her, the more intimately connected she becomes to you, and the more she will want your touch.