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Your Upcoming Threesome Is Almost Here

“Hey, you know what would be fun? I just thought of something hot!” I’d like you to have some threesome sex this year.

Why? Well, for several reasons, including:

  • Threesome sex improves your communication skills
  • They advance your sexual maturation
  • Threesome sex can infuse new excitement into a monogamous relationship
  • You get a new palette of skills and experiences which challenges and is therefore suitable for your brain function
  • There is a camaraderie in making love with new people, and this pandemic has made many of us lonely
  • There are single people out there who would enjoy being with a couple
  • Novelty and variety increase your sexual desire, and you’ll get more turned on
  • With everyone’s consent, threesomes are moral and pleasurable
  • You are never too young or too old to have a hot threesome
  • Threesome sex can heighten your orgasmic pleasure because you have more parts to work with
There are some essential aspects to a smooth and joyous threesome:
Girls Kissing A Man
  • Getting STI tests in advance means you don’t have to use condoms and can do oral and intercourse without worrying about catching something (see the new video below about what tests to get)
  • As long as you have alternative contraception, condoms don’t protect against enough STIs to make it low risk; you need recent clean STI tests.
  • Planning adds to the pleasure because you feel more confident and can fantasize about possible scenarios.
  • Sharing fantasies ahead of time can increase the turn-on between all three lovers and allow discovery of what sounds sexiest to each of you.
  • Using online dating sites and apps increases your likelihood of finding partners for a threesome.
  • Clearing boundaries and agreements in discussion before the threesome helps you think through ramifications you might not in the heat of the moment. Hence, everyone is as straightforward as possible going into the experience.


The app I recommend is Feeld. The online dating site I recommend is FetLife or Adult Friend Finder. You can also find local Lifestyle parties in your area to attend, but generally, you have to show up a few times for the community to get to know you before you’re integrated into the group. There are also Lifestyle holiday experiences such as cruises and resort gatherings.

I’m not a Lifestyle person (what used to be called a Swinger), but I have been to many conscious, poly, and open relationship sex parties. So if you have questions, it’s ok to ask me questions via email, and if I know, I’ll share. To find them in your area, use Google. I don’t know.


The most significant difference between how Lifestyle people think about themselves versus Open or Polyamorous people is that the former keeps their emotions out of the sex, and the latter tends to include them. These kinds of multiple partner experiences are considered ENM, which is Ethically Non-Monogamous. That means people who identify with any of these labels consciously communicate openly with their partners about their sexual behaviors rather than cheating or hiding behind infidelity. Some partners have a “don’t ask, don’t tell” agreement, which is still considered ENM.


Threesomes can be comprised of either XX or XY chromosomes in human beings of any gender expression. This means you could have a threesome with a male or female person who acts like their gender. This is called cis-gendered. For example, I was born a woman and identified as a female. Or you can have sex with someone born one sex but prefers to live their life not expressing that sex. Some transgender people don’t identify with their origin sex. A few transsexual people have had hormone support and surgery to change their breasts or genitals. 

Some pansexuals like all gender expressions, while some sapiosexuals are turned on by intelligence. A few demisexuals require an emotional connection. In today’s world, it’s helpful to use the Urban Dictionary to keep up with the permutations! Remember to be kind and open to those on a path different from yours. You never know what your heart might want.


Most threesomes are either two women and a man (most common) or two men and a woman (my favorite). If everyone is straight — prefers the opposite sex — this is expressed as FMF and MFM. That means two straight women are playing with one straight man. Or two straight men are playing with one straight woman. FFM and MMF are when the same sex is open to their sex. 

Threesomes are fun because the females can team up with two women and a man to give the man some spectacular experiences. Two women are sharing a guy’s oral sex at the same time… A guy is taking turns penetrating two women… One woman sitting on a guy’s face, the other on his penis… These are three of my favorites.

In the two men and one woman scenario, she can be worshipped simultaneously by two men. She can take advantage of both penises simultaneously in various locations. When the two men work simultaneously at a smooth equal pace, it can provide an orgasmic explosion. The two men pacing their strokes together keeps the stimulation from feeling cacophonous. She can relax and surrender to pleasure. 

Men love to see women just let go and feel all the pleasure as much as women enjoy creating that experience for their male lovers. The gift of orgasmic pleasure is something we love to give and receive no matter where we fall on the sparkle rainbow gender spectrum.


When trust is created, people feel more comfortable and able to let go and enjoy. When they are satisfied with each other, new sexy ideas more easily bubble up. “Hey, you know what would be fun? I just thought of something hot!”

Trust is created in all of the pre-threesome activities: getting tested, sharing fantasies, explaining your boundaries and agreements, stating your desires, planning the time and location, contributing food and beverages, getting dressed in lingerie or undressed and showering together, stopping for breaks during the experience to check in with each other… And trust is created in the aftercare by ensuring everyone feels loved and appreciated, sharing favorite frames, and following up after the scene.

It’s not that hard to find a woman to join a couple. They are called Unicorns because, allegedly, they are so rare. But that’s only negative self-talk from the couple looking or lack of having this information I’m sharing with you.


A TON of women want to play with a lovely, clean, well-groomed couple who knows the things I mentioned here. Being honest, loving, and generous with your time and attention, putting her at ease, and ensuring she’s having a good time go a long way in attracting a woman. Put her first and make it great for her, and she will be back.

And finding a man to join takes about 3 seconds. Many men are available to help a couple give a woman incredible pleasure. There are Vixen and Stag couples that are not in any way part of the cuckolding scene. Many men love to see their women pleasured, and it has nothing to do with humiliation. And some men enjoy seeing their wives have some variety and like to watch their pleasure. There is nothing wrong with any of this. It’s massively regular, and everyone else is doing it with joy, so why not you?

All you need to do is think about what might be fun for you. Talk about it with your partner or, if you’re single, with prospective couples. You will find many fun potential opportunities that could turn into long-term lover ships. Spreading the love without the infections, that’s the way!

Here are some super sexy techniques you can use during your threesomes and some good physical energy and health advice that will keep you in tip-top shape. Your sexual energy is directly related to your general health and sexual stamina. Enjoy!

threesome sex

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