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Yoni Massage Vs. Expanded O Dates

Oh, happy day! I get to write to you about the difference between Yoni massage and the Expanded Orgasm practice.

First, they work great together to get a woman super turned on and very engorged. 

Remember, we women don’t have two significant sexual competitive advantages that men have:

1) Men are testosterone dominant. That is the hormone of desire. And men are just more ready to go for sex than women. We need more warm-ups. 

2) Men have an advantage with hemodynamics. The blood enters their genitals more quickly. We are slower to become engorged. We have the same amount of erectile tissue, but it takes longer to fill with blood.

So guys are generally hornier to start than women, and they get erect faster. 

Yoni massage is the solution to level the bed top playing field. 

The word Yoni is a Tantric sex word for a woman’s vulva. It’s sweeter sounding than the vulva, and the vagina is just the canal, so it means the whole genital system, not just inside her vagina.

The Yoni massage is an all-over vulva massage. From the mons at the top, the outside of the labia, the inner labia, the clitoral hood, and the clitoris, inside the vagina and the G-areas.

The Expanded Orgasm technique is a clitoris-centered stroke. It is so light and gentle that it enables a woman to become dramatically and orgasmically sensitive with practice. You can put your finger on a woman trained in Expanded Orgasm, and she can feel the orgasm throughout her entire body and start coming. She can even begin to come before you lay a finger on her.

Expanded Orgasms dates work best when she’s had a Yoni massage beforehand. The massage first, stroke second, is a good one-two strategy for taking her into an orgasmic state and then holding her there in Expanded Orgasms.

expanded orgasm books

The Yoni massage helps spread the blood throughout her vulva. Then the Expanded Orgasm stroking takes her into the stratosphere and holds her there in pleasure.

Expand Her Orgasm Tonight ⇐ Get Started Learning The 5 Strokes

Here are some free videos I created about Yoni massage for you.

Click Here To Watch My Video ⇐ How To Give A Yoni Massage

Click Here To Watch My Video ⇐ Yoni Vagina Massage with Amaya Charles

Here’s Another Interesting Video You’ll Like ⇐ How To Finger and Give Genital Massage

Work your way up to G-Spot pleasuring:

Click Here For A Wonderful Massage ⇐ How To Do A Sacred Spot Massage

Graduate from there to an Expanded Orgasm practice:

Expand Her Orgasm Tonight ⇐ Discover the course here

Here’s An Expanded Orgasm Video For You ⇐ How To Give An Expanded Orgasm Massage

Click Here For Female Liquid Orgasm ⇐ Then She Will Be Ready For G-Spot and Female Ejaculatory Orgasms 

When women tell me their top wish list for sexual experiences, it’s #1 to have orgasms from intercourse and #2 to have G-Spot orgasms and learn how to ejaculate. These are fantastic things to know together if you’re lucky enough to have a partner.

Email me back or comment below and let me know any questions you have.

Tim and Susan Time

All information from Susan Bratton, Personal Life Media, The20, and our collective brands are personal opinions. The statements made within this email/website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements and the products of this company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always seek consultation from your doctor.

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