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Your Heart Is The Leader

“Follow your heart…” they always say.

Some might need help understanding how deep this goes.

You see, to truly have a wonderful life, a life you’d want to tell your kids and grandkids about, filled with breathtaking moments and experiences… Listen to your heart.

Whether it’s in your career, social relationships, romances, hobbies, and, of course, your bedroom escapades…

Lead with your heart.

My dear mentor, Dr. Deborah Anapol, who has now left this life, wrote an outstanding book called The 7 Laws of Love. She explains that your heart is both a door and a muscle:

The more you use your heart, the better it works. Love is a practice.

It’s easier to give love than to receive it, and most people can feel more of the feelings of love by loving—so love as much as possible to experience more love in your life.

Don’t wait to be loved—start loving, and you will experience the benefits of love.

The door swings both ways—the deeper and more intensely you love, the more it hurts when the love is lost. But when you get the experience of feeling those feelings on both sides, it is what makes life worth living. So don’t be afraid to feel.

If you don’t let your heart take the reins, you can never truly experience the best friendships, the most unbreakable family bonds, and the most exhilarating adventures.

You can never honestly say you’ve found your Sexual Soulmate if your heart isn’t in tune with your partner. Grab my book, Sexual Soulmates, to discover the six essentials of connected intimacy. Yes, you can buy it on Amazon, but with this link, you can have the free PDF of my book. The six essentials bring you closer to your lover. 

You can never truly experience the most sensual pleasures without being heart-connected. Practicing with friends and family makes you even better as a loving partner.

What is it all for if you’re not having deeply intimate, soul-shaking, body-trembling pleasure? Even one-time connections require both lovers to invest their heart, mind, and body, even for a fleeting moment.

Sweetie, in all things in your life, lead with your heart. Not with your mind.

If it doesn’t feel right… If it doesn’t feel wonderful…

Let go and move on.

However, if your heart is bursting with beautiful emotion because you know deep down inside that this is what you TRULY desire…

Run toward it, arms open wide, with carefree abandon.

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