Read on to learn about dating during your midlife.
“To some people, age is just a number. But to others, it’s a gift.”
A massive chunk of my readers and fans are over 40. Some are even in their 80s.
And they’re still kicking it in their relationship and the bedroom, in unique ways.
One of my readers just emailed me about getting back in the dating game once again after decades of being with a lover.
Where should one start? Are new love and passionate sex still possible after 60?
Check out his email and my response below.
Click Here For My Midlife Dating Videos ⇐ How To Find Love After 40
“I am 61 and find myself single again. I am out of practice picking up women.
And when I do, how do I handle breaking the news of the dreaded genital herpes? Because the last thing I want is some young woman to have to put up with what I have since I was 19.” ーChase (not his real name)
Hi Chase,
I’m glad you are getting yourself back out on the dating circuit. It’s more worrisome to catch COVID than herpes these days.
However, both are infectious diseases and can be essentially discussed the same way. You discuss your safe sex practices, your STD, and COVID testing requests at the point where you think you both might want to have sex.
Here are resources to read and watch that will explain how to have these talks.
Click Here For My Articles ⇐ STIs and More (And How To Overcome Them)
I recommend my MidLife Dating video series, too, so you know what to do.
Click Here To Watch My Videos ⇐ How To Find Love (Midlife Dating BetterLover Videos)
And when you find someone online, start with a video date. Here are ideas for fun and sexy video dates and what to say on a video date.
8 Romantic Date Games ⇐ You’re Going To Love These
Sexy Video Chat ⇐ How To Meet And Date New People While Socially Distancing Responsibly
You’ll find that you can abstain from sex when you have a breakout, and the likelihood of transmission is extremely low. But when you read those herpes articles, pay attention to the fact that herpes can break out on your lower back and other places and not just directly on your genitals.
So that thing you thought might be a pimple could be herpes. Be extra aware because you know how much it sucks to have herpes.
Herpes viruses are a lifelong plague. Thank you for being such an upstanding man by protecting your partners.
Let me know how things go and if you have any questions after going through my material.