Do you know when to have sex?
Can you guess the sex of this person?
Man or woman? What’s your guess?
See if you’re right…
Read this idea of what this person wants from a lover.
Then tell me if you thought at first it was a man or woman.
This person, let’s call them Pat, asked me what the best way was to say they were not ready for sex. They didn’t want the other party to lose interest.
I said to Pat, instead of saying you’re not ready for sex, why don’t you tell me what conditions would need to be right for you to be ready with this person?
“I’m interested and look forward to the time when x, y and z are in place.”
Pat loved this and their response was: (scroll down)
“The conditions I’m waiting for are when:
…the time is right for me to trust them completely.
…I feel comfortable revealing myself to them.
…they have earned my respect.
…they have demonstrated consideration toward me.
…they are willing to be sexually exclusive with me.
…I feel I am desired, honored and valued for the person I am.
…when they know me well enough to make love to me, not just have sex with me.
These conditions live beyond the borders of gender.
These are what every person craves… To be respected and honored.
The reason this hit me as such a valuable conversation is that Pat nailed what we all want. The masculine and feminine both want to be trusted, to be known, to be special. Both should know each other well to know when to have sex.
Those conditions make for the most passionate connection.
The large majority of humans in the world don’t want to “have sex.” They want to make love. To be made love to. To be known in the most intimate way.
If you’ve ever felt like wanting any of this was too much to ask. Or that you wanted something more than most other people. Let me assure you, this kind of soul connection is what we all crave.
The next step in feeling the feelings you want to feel comes from diving a little deeper into these words.
Everyone values something unique, based on who they are, their social experiences, their belief systems, and what makes life meaningful to them.
That’s what my Relationship Magic workbook is all about. Understanding exactly what you and your partner want that makes them feel they are in the perfect relationship with YOU.
Relationship Magic Workbook ⇐ Do you know your top four relationship values? Your partners?
Unpacking their meaning as it specifically relates to YOU, the unique and special individual that you are.
For example, what these words might mean to a guy could be:
Sending me sexy pictures of you wearing lingerie.
Taking time to praise my manhood.
Feeding me a delicious meal.
What these words mean to a gal could be:
I’ve set up the bed to give you a Yoni massage.
You are the woman I’ve committed and devoted my life to.
You’re sexier to me today than you were a decade ago.
Everyone treasures different specifics. But all of us want the same fundamentals of love.
If you’re dating someone, ask for specifics. This is what makes relationships very juicy. Know when to have sex, set the perfect intimate time for it to happen.
Want to add some spark and brighten up the mood? read and watch my video How To Get Your Partner To… Do Anything! (VIDEO)
If you’ve been in a relationship for a while, get a refresher on the specifics that would make your partner happy.
Consider figuring out your relationship values. Here is a link to get the workbook for $9.97 instead of $27.
It’s an instant download. The workbook can be printed out at home. It walks you through how to figure out what you want most from a relationship.
When you start focusing on giving your partner what they want most, they begin to feel like they are in the perfect relationship and you are their perfect companion.
This knowledge is vital if you’re dating. So figure it out now. The only way you can get what you want is to know what you want and be able to ask for it in an understandable way.
I’ve sold over 25,000 copies of this wonderful workbook. It’s changed lives, saved marriages, sparked romances, and given people incredible confidence to ask for what they truly, deeply want.
Isn’t it time you get what you want?
Relationship Magic Workbook ⇐ Do you know your top four relationship values? Your partners?
Relationship Magic saved our marriage 🙂
All information from Susan Bratton, Personal Life Media, The20, and all of our collective brands’ advice are personal opinions. Our advice is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and is for general information purposes only. Always seek consultation from your doctor. Susan has personally vetted and receives affiliate commissions from most of the products and programs she recommends.