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Learn How Safe Is Oral Sex

Can you get prostate infections and UTI’s from oral sex?

What sexually transmitted infections can you get from fellatio?

Hi Susan,
I’ve been married 18 years and have just started venturing into the realm of the BJ. My wife seems to like it. I’ll admit I’ve had some anxiety about this from a safety perspective. The mouth is pretty “dirty” from a biological perspective. Are there additional risks for a man of getting urinary tract infections, prostate infections, etc from receiving oral sex?


Hi Bernard,

There are no risks of getting prostate or UTI infections from oral sex… Unless your partner has sexually transmittable infections that are saliva-transferred such as genital warts (HPV), herpes (HSV), HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, or the newest STI, mycoplasma genitalia.

I also believe the borrelia bacterias that cause lyme disease can be passed via saliva in addition to blood, vaginal secretions and breast milk. Though the Center for Disease Control has not yet issued a warning about lyme being an STI.

So if you’ve both been tested and are clean of STI’s, then her going down on you is very safe between monogamous partners.

Here’s a video series on safe sex. One of the videos tells you which STD tests to get if you both want to get tested to relieve your minds.

I think you’d have more fun if you KNEW there wasn’t anything you could catch.

SAFE SEX SERIES ⇐ Which STD Tests To Get

Susan The Sexy Nurse No Play

A mouth feels lovely on a penis. Especially when the giver enjoys themselves!

Here are four free oral pleasuring skills for him and her with my compliments to facilitate your fellatio and cunnilingus.

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Isn’t sex the gift that keeps on giving?

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