The solution to: “my mouth gets tired.”
“Do you have a tip to help me service multiple men?” ~ Billie Jean
Here’s what to do if your mouth gets tired…
You gotta love a girl like Billie Jean. She’s a fellatio fanatic.
She wrote me asking how to increase her endurance so she can blow more than one guy at a time. Go girl! I had to put on my Bavarian Barmaid outfit to answer that one.
My response to her question is apropos to any and all blowjobs. I know you’re going to love this one!
BLOW HIM WITHOUT GETTING TIRED! ← Watch now (Your jaw will love you for it)
Mouth fatigue is often why a blowjob gets cut short. Just when it gets to feelin’ really really good, that jaw muscle gives up and the mouth goes away. Not good. What’s a guy to do?
More important: What’s his lover to do?
The secret to blowjob endurance is simple: PACE YOURSELF. Obvious, right? Not really.
If the “how to” of BJ pacing was obvious, a lot more guys would be walking around with that “I just had the best blowjob of my life” look on their faces.
I like seeing men with that look on their faces. In fact, if I were the queen of the world, men would walk around with that look on their faces all the time!
That’s why I decided to double-down on the topic of blowjob endurance in this video.
All my best ideas, the tips and tricks of a master at the art of fellatio, are included in this short video. Giving a man head will never be the same!
QUADRUPLE THE FUN OF GIVING A BLOW JOB ← Watch and learn (Susan makes it easy)
Here’s the bottom line: the mere thought of giving a blow job should be exciting and yet, for many a giver, it’s a bit intimidating to look down the shaft of that gorgeous manhammer.
Let’s change that, shall we?
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One Response
My friend and I got around the fatigue by taking a tantric approach to it. We take turns sucking each other’s cocks, taking up to four hours before we cum. This not only gives us much more time sucking each other, but it also edges our cocks so we have a large load of semen to share.