“Hi, Susan,
My husband of 35 years only went down on me twice when we first got married. Since then, he doesn’t anymore. When I asked him why, he said it tasted like spit. I have flavored edibles I put on my yoni for him, but that doesn’t help.
He likes it when I give him a blow job, but then I always seem to go without and have to use my toy. He just walks away until I’m done.
Also, I bought a sex swing, thinking that might be better for him cause he complains about his back hurting. He always makes me be on top.
I still have no luck getting him to touch me, let alone hold me.
I no longer know how to regain that spark; I’m afraid it is too late. I told him the kids are gone now, and we still have a lot of life to live. He is only 66, and I will turn 63 this year.
He had two heart attacks last week and insisted he didn’t want to go to the hospital twice, two days in a row, and we had to plead with the paramedics to take him on the second day.
When we are skin to skin I get horny and tell him I want him. But that doesn’t work either, so I’m all out of ideas.”—Myra (name changed to protect privacy)
Dear Myra,
Your husband’s already low libido is going to continue to decrease because his health is failing. Even if he attempts to turn his health around when he recovers from these heart attacks, it’s not likely anything is going to change with his desire for you.
It’s not your fault. There’s nothing wrong with you, but I don’t see him changing.
Once his health has stabilized, suggest to him you are going to take a lover on the side. He will probably feel like he’s finally off the hook.
If he cannot provide you with the sex life you crave, that’s ok. You can have fun with another partner. There are a TON of married men in your exact situation. Find them on dating apps.
Make sure they pay for your and their STI tests before doing anything other than kissing them or hands on their bodies—no mouth-to-genital or genital-to-genital contact without a complete STI panel.
Use these BasisDx Diagnostic Comprehensive 8 STI at-home test kits. They are often covered under insurance.

At 62, you are in the prime of your sexual potential. Buy yourself a few new sex toys from this list: OrgasmicCrossTraining. Spend a lot of time giving yourself pleasure. Let your husband just do his thing.

Get yourself my Pleasure Protocol.

And you will meet a super hot guy who wants to give you incredible pleasure. Pick him for his integrity and kindness and that he makes your pussy wet. He doesn’t need to be husband material. You already have a great guy.
As you know, at 62, I’m having the HOTTEST sex of my life, and you can too, girl!
Send me a pic of you and your lover after a recent session.

All information from Susan Bratton, Personal Life Media, The20, and our collective brands are personal opinions. The statements made within this email/website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements and the products of this company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always seek consultation from your doctor.