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The Surprising Truths To “Aging With Grace.”

Earlier today, as I sipped my go-to green tea, I found an article online that got me thinking about getting older, our feelings about ourselves, and how we connect with others. I was taken by what I read.

It made me realize that forgetting phone numbers or catching our breath more often as we near our fifties isn’t a sign of decline. It’s a part of life’s journey where we still learn and grow. We continue discovering new ways to improve our overall health. Like the author’s new hobby of bird-watching—it shows that no matter our age, we can always pick up something new and exciting.

But what truly touched my heart was how our feelings and relationships evolve as we age. The article mentioned a study examining over 6,000 Americans from their twenties to their nineties. And guess what? Our ability to connect and feel close to others remains strong as we age.

The study’s authors attribute it to the continued acquisition of skills and strategies that can buffer age-related declines in the loss of intimacy, particularly in a positive relationship.

It’s a gentle reminder that we can continue to nurture the deep bonds, skills, breakthroughs, and relationship intimacy all our lives.

Now, here’s a little surprise.

Did you know that our confidence in how we look and feel about our bodies improves as we age? A survey with 80,000 Americans found that women felt best about their bodies at 74, and for men, it was around 80. We worry less about looks and cherish who we are as we age.

And, if you think the happiest days are behind you, think again! Many said their happiest times weren’t in their youth but in their eighties. How wonderful is that?

So, here’s what I took away: Getting older is a journey of wisdom, deep connections, and loving ourselves just as we are. Let’s embrace each day, each year, and every laugh line.
Cheers to aging like fine wine, Susan, Your Friend in Wellness.

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