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Undoctored: Take Back Your Health

The vast majority of health, diet, and weight loss information get you temporary or NO results… and sometimes even achieve the opposite of our goals. 

Having the right information is crucial to achieving optimal health. 

That’s why today’s video is about my interview with Dr. William Davis. I love this man so much! He’s a cardiologist and an NYT-bestselling author of the books, Wheat Belly, Undoctored and his latest, Super Gut which helps you reverse gut dysbiosis in the form of SIBO, SIFO and H. Pylori overgrowths.  SIBO is a small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. SIFO is fungal overgrowth and H. Pylori is the most common reason for acid reflux.

You know that stomach acid medicine, proton pump inhibitors and other anti-acid medicines are just ruining your nitric oxide production, which cascades to brain fog, loss of sexual pleasure and swollen hands and feet among other things. Learn all about the latest in taking care of those nagging problems with ease!

We’re going to talk mainly about his book, Undoctored: Take Back Your Health, as well as microbiome health, the most important vitamins, and minerals to restore in your body, and the best sources for each one. 

Click Here To Watch My Video ⇐ Undoctored: Take Back Your Health 


We also discuss how his book, Wheat Belly, changed my life for the better. I used to be a wheat eater, stuffing myself with pizzas, pasta, and all kinds of bread in my youth. Stopping my consumption of wheat and similar foods improved my life in about a million different ways. More info on this is in the video. 

Dr. Davis specializes in simple, yet effective, step-by-step changes you can implement in your life for weight loss, reversing common health issues, and being free from prescription medicine. 

After watching the video, you may also come out (like me) wanting to make your own yogurt at home. I’ve been eating Bill’s homemade lactobacillus reuterii yogurt since 2019. It lowers inflammation, minimizes wrinkles, makes you feel less hungry, stabilizes insulin levels, and even generates more oxytocin — the love hormone. 

This is a fun video to watch. Bill is a superstar. He’s charming, full of great advice and I promise you will get some easy and excellent tips.

Click Here To Watch My Video ⇐ Undoctored: Take Back Your Health 

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