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A Emerging Trend In Men’s Sexuality

When you get mad, sad, scared, or feel ashamed or remorseful and you are not getting what you want… Try this.

This week I interviewed my darling friend and men’s sexual trainer Jim Benson for a Men’s Optimization Summit I’m producing with

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that comes out this Fall. (You will get free access from me.)

We talked about how to become a multi-orgasmic man, using the ME Breath, the Chi Breath and how to have everlasting stamina. At the end of the segment, I asked Jim what he’s noticed is a newly emerging trend in men’s sexuality. 

He works one-on-one with guys as well as has led a men’s circle for decades as well as training other Tantra teachers internationally. So he sees how sexuality changes over time.

His response was surprising. (Scroll down.)


Jim said that men nowadays are willing to be more honest, authentic, and vulnerable in their intimate relating. Our culture is giving men the opportunity to expand their range of emotions. Whereas men used to get stuck in anger and victimhood, they are using more tools to access their feelings. This helps them get unstuck, reduces their rage, and allows partners to get closer to them.

We all have trouble communicating our feelings at times. Especially when we are upset. This leaves us feeling alone. So today I have a download for you from Tim and my personal therapist, Chas August. We consulted him via Zoom this week regarding a relationship issue on which we needed expert guidance.

This Total Truth Process is from Jack Canfield and John Gray’s body of work. It’s a one page guide to accessing and expressing your feelings when you’re mad or stuck or sad. It gives you prompts to help you identify and share your feelings like:

I’m fed up with… 

It hurt me when…

I felt sad when…

I’m embarrassed that…

I get afraid of you when…

I regret that…

I deserve…

I love you/me when…

And many more prompts that will help you put some meat on the bones of your feelings. You will understand yourself better and come to a resolution more quickly.

If you’re a man (or person) of few words in a relationship, this will be like water on the parched soul of your partner.

I hope you use this and if you do, let me know how you like it.

In this picture I’m wearing two red light sleeves from penis pumps on my arms. After losing 30 lbs, my skin was crepey in that area. I wear the new

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