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Non-verbal Love Language (Intimacy Checklist 5 of 7)

In the past weeks, we’ve been talking about improving your communication with your lover (future lover) and having more intimacy. 

Communication is critical in relationships. 

Yet, we almost always think it’s just about the words we use. 

Sure, we started this series off with how to “ask” for what you want and how to let your partner “understand” your requests, as well as giving/receiving pleasure and feedback more openly. 

However, we can also create our love language using our eyes and touch. 

Maybe that’s why some lovers can’t “ask” for what they want. Because what they want is beyond what words can describe. Maybe it’s more of an emotion. Or whatever you feel at the moment. 

Lovers Lying Down

You can use your fingers, hands, lips, eyes, and more to enhance your intimate communication. 

A specific expression in a lover’s eyes, a soft touch, a pulling motion… 

A wink…

Blowing a kiss…

Tracing your fingers over your partner’s body…


My husband and I know that three little squeezes to each other’s hands mean. I. Love. You.

Try creating your non-verbal love language with your partner aside from the verbal requests and feedback you’ll be doing. 

This expands the level of communication you’ll be having. 

So you can ask for what you want and give each other feedback in ways beyond words and phrases.

Send me your non-verbal signals of love by leaving a comment below. I love your shares!

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