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Which Dating Site Has The Most Women? (New Data)

Fish where the fish are…

Speaking of fish, if you have a picture of yourself on your online dating profile page, I recommend you remove it. I know you’re a great provider, but 99% of women think fish are icky.

Have a female friend take some pics of you that are high resolution and have a nice clean background and good lighting. Pictures are important! And most guys have a pretty bad set of pics.

Love IS out there waiting for you. I promise there are wonderful, attractive, delightful women who are dying to be loved by you.

How do you find these women?

Based on an article in Bloomberg magazine, Feb 2020, is the #1 site that has the highest ratio of women, with Plenty of Fish and eHarmony closely behind.

Forget the reset. The odds are not in your favor.

And if you’re still resisting putting up an online profile, know that ONLINE DATING is where the large majority of people are meeting and falling in love today.

Get on a dating site. Now. Otherwise, your competition is going to get to the good women first.

And watch my video series on Midlife Online Dating to see exactly how to attract women to contact you.

Check This Online Dating Success Video Series And Let Susan Help You Find A Wonderful Partner

Also, spend $9.99 and get my ebook, Relationship Magic so you can weed out the women who are going to waste your time.

Gary is a single, 56-year-old man who realized the power of knowing what he truly wants in a relationship with a woman…

Find Out Your Top 4 Relationship Values


I recently purchased the Relationship Magic ebook.

Despite being a 56 year old guy, I never realized knowing my top four relationship values is the key to actually weed out women quickly.

I am actually looking forward to my next date, as I think we share at least two or more values from the conversations we have had. One is fidelity (we shared stories of being cheated on) and the other is acceptance of who we are on the inside, and that this will change as we grow.

I wish I had known this stuff years ago. Knowing my relationship values could have saved me lots of time in relationships that were either based on her looks or my money.



Don’t waste your time dating the wrong women. Get laser-focused about finding a woman who can truly make your life blissful.

I know dating is hard. Even getting a date with a woman is difficult.

But it’s WAY MORE difficult to spend time, money and your heart space on a gal who is not going to pan out in the end.

Do this simple exercise in this Relationship Magic workbook so you will KNOW she’s the right one for you.

I’ve sold over 25,000 copies of this itty bitty ebook. It’s also great if you’re in a relationship to get crystal clear about how your partner can make you ecstatically happy —and how you can do the same for them.


Understanding each other’s relationship values is what SAVED my marriage. I finally understood Tim’s behavior and really got him.

We’ve been so happy ever since doing the exercise I put in this workbook.

Let me help you,  have a lifetime of a happy relationship.

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