Seduction is a subtle art.
Sending signals to a woman without a full-frontal approach takes finesse. Women don’t like it when you go straight for them. It’s overwhelming.
So you have to be powerfully subtle.
Here’s a powerful seduction technique you can use the next time you want to get a girl you like, your girlfriend, or your wife to want to have sex with you.
Scroll down for Seduction Tip #2: The Seduction Stare.
Check Out Seduction Trilogy ⇐ The Raindrop Seduction Method
Have you mastered the “I-think-I-might-bang-you” look?
Or do you usually rely on the “deer-in-headlights” look?
Here’s a simple way to learn the PROPER “I-think-I-might-bang-you” look…
1. Get a mirror and practice the look in it. Experiment with it! We all have different faces, so what works on yours may not work on mine.
Here are a few ideas that generally work for many guys I’ve worked with (and played) in the past:
- The head is often cocked slightly to the side or back as if you’re examining her.
- Your head can be still but also have slow sustained movement.
- The lids of your eyes are comfortable and relaxed, not wide-eyed.
- Don’t be afraid to hold her gaze slightly longer than what is “socially acceptable.”
- Drink in her eyes and relish the moments when she breaks eye contact first.
- Your subtext should be: “You have me intrigued… if you prove yourself, I will blow your brains out… maybe…”
- Counterbalance the look by removing your attention for brief periods… that way, she never is TOO sure of your intentions.
2. Once you feel like you’ve made some progress with the mirror, find a female friend you trust to be honest with you.
Then explain to her what you’re working on and practice on her. Ensure she gives you regular feedback until you both feel you’ve got the look down pat.
3. Once you feel confident that you’ve honed the look to perfection, try it on other women or your wife/girlfriend, and see your success skyrocket.
Let me know how it goes.
If you want more seduction tips and techniques, check out the mother-of-all seduction methods from our very own Dr. Patti.
Check Out Seduction Trilogy ⇐ The Raindrop Seduction Method
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Good learn many new things