She used the “Soulmate Pact” to avoid a sexless marriage.
At 34, Lauren was ready to get married and start a family, but she was adamant about one thing: she was not going to end up in a sexless marriage like so many of her friends.
She was a firm believer that a couple who had a passionate connection would be able to weather the storms of life together.
So rather than wait until she found her perfect man, she decided to make a “Soulmate Pact” with the men she was dating.
The guys she made this pact with LOVED IT. They consistently said things like:
“Wow, I love the way you give me feedback.”
“That pact we made helps me be a better lover for you.”
“I get so much more turned on because I’m not worried about how I’m doing. I trust you to tell me, and I love it when you do!”
When she met the man she eventually married, he immediately loved the Soulmate Pact.
He said, “I can pleasure you better than any of my former lovers because you’re the first woman who’s been able to tell me what’s going on and show me what you want in a way that makes it so easy to give it to you!”
You can learn all about the Soulmate Pact… and the other five essentials for deeply connected, passionate sex… absolutely free.
To celebrate Valentine’s Day, I’m giving away a digital version of my new book, Sexual Soulmates.
Download It Free For A Limited Time ==> Sexual Soulmates: 6 Essentials for Connected Sex (You already doing some of these naturally!)
“Oh! I never thought of doing that. Makes perfect sense.” — Rhonda
Read further and see how Lauren used the “Soulmate Pact” to create a passionate marriage that keeps getting better.
The Soulmate Pact sets up a feedback loop that makes communicating with your lover super easy so the passion can flare.
Every time Lauren had a new boyfriend, she would explain the feedback loop before they became lovers.
Once she decided she definitely wanted to have sex with a man, she would say, “There’s something I’d like to do with you when we’re making love that makes me feel really comfortable, and much more turned on. Are you willing to try it?”
Of course, they always said yes.
What guy wouldn’t agree to a proposition like that?
But Lauren found it very revealing to notice what they actually did once the sheets were split. She could tell a lot about a guy by his willingness to work with the feedback loop.
She hadn’t set out to give the guy a litmus test… she just wanted good sex, and she wanted to get a sense if a new lover could become a great lover in the long-term.
She couldn’t stomach the idea of getting married only to find herself living with a husband who’d morphed into her roommate ten years down the road.
And after reading my book, she knew she’d found her answer.
For the first time ever, she knew for sure she wasn’t going to end up like so many of her friends after the honeymoon was over and the baby was born: bored to death with married sex.
She knew because here was a woman who’d been there, done that, turned it around, and was having the best sex of her life with a man she’d been married to for twenty-five years!
And it all came down to those feedback loops.
But this is where most guys stumble.
Initially, they’re good with it: “Totally, yeah, give me feedback.”
Men are generally starving for feedback. They want to know how they’re doing.
But they also want to be in control.
The typical guy that thinks that being a good lover means knowing what he’s doing. At the same time, women are often afraid of directing a guy out of the fear of hurting his ego.
What a mess.
The truth is: guys who are eager for her feedback and know how to receive it make the best sexual and life partners.
A wise woman once said, “It’s all in the set-up.” And that’s what makes the Soulmate Pact work seamlessly for both the man and the woman. You have to set it up ahead of time.
Here’s what Lauren said to Robert so both of them could win:
“When I give you feedback, I need to stay in my pleasure brain and not go into my business brain where I have to manage everything. I’m going to stay in my pleasure brain and say… Ooh, don’t do that… or, go harder… or whatever it is.”
She explained that her feedback is essentially a “report” from the animal of her body. And that women can only do that moment to moment.
The feedback loop comes a full circle when a man acknowledges his lover ‘s direction and is happy to adjust.
He can say, “Okay, baby” or simply, “Got it.” Lauren likes it when Robert says, “Thank you” because it makes her feel appreciated and rewards her for taking the risk to tell him what her body is telling her.
After all, what a woman’s “animal wants” changes all the time. We never know ahead of time so we certainly can’t expect a man to know! Thus, the importance of feedback.
In fact, feedback is so important, I wrote a whole chapter on the subject in my book.
If you want to know the other five essentials for sexual soulmate relationships, go ahead and grab my new book now.
Download Free For A Limited Time ==> Sexual Soulmates: 6 Essentials for Connected Sex (You may be doing some of these naturally!)
This offer will end right around Valentine’s Day, so get your copy right this second!
The six essentials for connected sex that I explain in my book are truly extraordinary lover’s techniques. Feel free to share this link with your friends because I will not be giving the book away for long!
Download Free For A Limited Time ==> Sexual Soulmates: 6 Essentials for Connected Sex (Which ones are you already doing?)