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How Women Want More Oral Sex

Watch 2 clitORAL sex techniques women crave.

“I wish she were almost aggressively aroused by me.” (What men vs women want from oral sex.)

According to my new “Desire Survey,” the great majority of thousands of women report wanting more oral sex as one of their top three unmet desires….

Yet even the women who are on my list —actual sexual seekers —not those ignoring or shying away from their sexuality (the majority of women out there) —are still simply struggling to ACHIEVE orgasm.

Women tell me their second biggest desire is, “to climax more easily.” But she wants you to take it slow, guys. Not just bury your face and latch on to her clitoris.

This need for tenderness comes from her wanting long, slow sensual lovemaking, instead of trying to FORCE her to come or make her come as FAST as possible.. and for him to have enough experience and techniques to be able to confidently get her off. That’s the “being taken” experience women crave.

You pair any well-trained man with a woman STRAINING to eek out one little orgasm and she will absolutely have a breakthrough orgasmic experience in his masterful hands. Put him with a woman who loves oral and she will be coming the entire time he’s going down on her… that’s how good it can be when done well.

The only thing separating men who can get any woman off and men who cannot is education and experience.

That’s why I want you to go watch my new video:

10X Your Oral Sex ⇐ 4 Free Push Button Oral Techniques


The four oral pleasuring techniques I demonstrate will help you attain sexual mastery.

10X Your Oral Sex At The Push of a Button

If you are that woman who feels rushed or is struggling to come from oral, or you are in relationship with THAT woman… watch this video.

Men report that they, “want to be wanted.” They love when a woman initiates so they can trust her desire is real. Guys are under the misinformed belief that they have to convince her to have sex.

“I wish she were almost aggressively aroused by me,” was a direct quote from one gentleman in her Desire Survey.

Another said, “Why won’t SHE initiate and take charge sometimes?!?” (guys get sick of being rejected for sex)

Men actually need as much reassurance as women do sexually, but for different reasons. For women it’s about being loved, feeling adored and sexually desirable….

For men it’s that excited, enthusiastic response from her that shows he is desired and wanted for sex and that he is doing a great job giving incredible pleasure… better than any other man.

This is why men love slow teasing and enthusiastically sloppy wet oral loving where she’s looking up into his eyes and thoroughly getting herself off on him.

Interestingly, in a survey by Penthouse Magazine of over 5,000 professional escorts, 88% of men who cheat admit to doing so as a result of. “unsatisfying or near nonexistent blow jobs.”

There isn’t much that endears a man to a woman more than a home cooked meal and regular BJ’s. And not in that order!

A woman who learns how to give incredible fellatio will basically turn her man into her love slave.

A lack of head dampens a guy’s spirit…

And a lot of men tell me their woman is sweet to TRY, but does a horrible job. That’s just because she doesn’t have any models for great head and she doesn’t know what to do. So watch this video.

If you want to blow each other away…

If your partner is reluctant…

Or if what you’re getting feels like a blow JOB, not a blow vacation…

Even if the cunnlingus he’s giving you feels like he’s going through the motions but he’s not really INTO IT for you and present WITH you.

Or your partners are just giving to GET…

Or you don’t know what to tell your lover to do, but you know what they’re doing ISN’T IT…

Educate yourself.

10x your oral sex DVD Cover 510x320

10X Your Oral Sex ⇐ Watch Me Demonstrate 4 Free Oral Techniques

Learn techniques so the confidence you gain keeps building on itself… as does the pleasure and sensation you give and receive.

So that’s a little insight into the masculine/feminine dynamic so you can bring your enthusiasm, your reassurance, your tender heart and all your slow, erotic desire to your lover.

Now go watch this awesome video.

4 Push-Button Oral Sex Techniques (VIDEO) <== Watch Now (24 minutes)

10X Oral Sex-1 mp4 and Affiliate Link Generator

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