Get luckier in life and love with this scientific approach.
Do some people just lead a charmed life or could you be born lucky too?
Dr. Richard Wiseman’s book about luck, “The Luck Factor — Changing Your Luck, Changing Your Life: The Four Essential Principles,” says that you can improve your luck and lead a successful, happy and satisfied life if you know the following.
First, do you consider yourself lucky or unlucky? Half of all people consider themselves lucky. 14% say they are unlucky. 36% say they are neither lucky or unlucky.
That mindset is a contributor to whether a person sees and seizes upon chance opportunities to improve their lot.
Part of your mindset comes from your personality, which Dr. Wiseman says is comprised of five dimensions:
- Agreeableness
- Conscientiousness
- Extroversion
- Neuroticism
- Openness
Lucky people scored no differently on agreeableness or conscientiousness.
Extroverts meet more people and can build and maintain a strong “network of luck.” More opportunities come their way because they are out in the world mixing with people. But that is not all that matters. Wiseman says, “Lucky people have a relaxed attitude toward life.” This attitude makes them more open to seeing opportunities that present themselves than someone who is more uptight and rigid. Further, this relaxed attitude enables lucky people to be more open to new experiences in their lives. Luck comes from a willingness to try new things.
If you sometimes chat with strangers, cultivate the ability to stay calm and confident about life and you’re open to trying new experiences your luck will improve.
Another factor in being lucky is listening to your intuition and gut feelings. Have you ever followed your inner voice about someone or something and been glad you did? Are their times you’ve regretted not following your instincts? There are four ways you can improve your ability to leverage your intuition recommended by the author:
- Meditation
- Returning to the problem later
- Clearing your mind
- Finding a quiet place
I’ve tested both of these strategies for on ramping yourself to a meditation practice and can recommend which ever feels right for you. The first is a more typical meditation practice training. The second is something you listen to that replicates the brainwave patterns of meditation automatically. Both are great. Pick the one that you think will be something you actually use.
There are other factors that contribute to the lucky mindset, including your outlook on life.
Lucky people expect that the future will be good. Their dreams and ambitions are based on the expectation of positive outcomes. For example, if you ask people who feel lucky versus people who feel unlucky or neutral whether someone will tell them they are talented, or look young for their age, or will have a great holiday or will achieve at least one life ambition or be admired for your accomplishments, people who feel lucky will skew much higher in their expectations.
Unlucky people will gravitate toward believing they will become overweight, alcoholic, insomniacs, depressed, suicidal and a range of other nasty experiences at a much higher metric than those who just feel like they are lucky people. If you think that bad news is right around the corner, or if you get too lucky, something will crush you back down “to size,” you are simply in a negative frame of mind that can be changed by becoming aware of your patterns of negative self-fulfilling prophesies.
Lucky people simply go for it. They attempt to achieve their goals even when the odds seem against them. Lucky people persevere in the face of failure anyway. Lucky breaks come from being ready for them when they come. Lucky people expect their interactions with others to be lucky and successful. They will put more effort into a good outcome, which fuels the positive results.
“Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity.” — Oprah Winfrey
Lucky people turn bad luck into good. They see the positives that come out of bad situations. They learn from mistakes and consider the learning to be lucky too because they believe in the long run that everything will work out for the best.
One of the best pieces of advice I give to people is, “Forgive and forget.” So many people who struggle have a habit of dwelling on the past instead of just metabolizing the upset and finding the learning in the experience.
Meditation can help you reset your nervous system so you can let go of the bad from the past and have a renewed positive outlook to change the things you can in the future. If you dwell on your misfortunes, try meditation as a way to forgive and forget and move on.
If you just give up and don’t try to create success you’re missing the opportunity to persevere and turn bad luck into good. Think about anyone famous. They started with immense talent and added tenacity to become the top in their field. If you don’t hone your skills AND keep trying, how can you be lucky?
“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” — W.E. Hickson
Lucky people look on the bright side, believe things will work out in the long run, don’t dwell on the past, and learn from mistakes they’ve made. It’s as simple as that to turn your luck on.
- Maximize your chance opportunities
- Listen to your lucky hunches
- Expect good fortune
- Turn your bad luck into good
If you’re still reading in disbelief that you could become a more lucky person, then your belief structures set in your mind from your culture, your parenting and your experiences are deluding you into a negative mindset. Sometimes these limiting beliefs are hard to get rid of, because your mind is stuck in that groove and your negative behavior is unconscious.
I suggest you get a copy of The Luck Factor from Amazon or your local library. In Dr. Wiseman’s book there is a whole section on learning to be lucky.
You start with a declaration, create your own luck profile and begin incorporating these attitude-changing techniques into your life. There are very specific exercises and affirmations in the book that will get your mindset moving in a lucky direction.
Creating a lucky life can start just by talking to one or two new people and listening to your inner voice a little more. You will experience some additional good luck that will fuel your fire to keep changing your perspective and feeling confident you can believe that here is such a thing as cultivating a good luck mindset.
“Lucky people have ways of thinking that make them especially happy, satisfied and successful. These techniques are so effective it appears lucky people just live charmed lives. But deep down, they are like everyone else. Deep down, they are just like you. And now that you know the techniques lucky people use, you can be just like them.” — Dr. R. Wiseman, author, The Luck Factor
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Here are links to the book and my two recommended meditation practice options:
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“The Luck Factor — Changing Your Luck, Changing Your Life: The Four Essential Principles:” Improve your luck and lead a successful, happy and satisfied life.
3 Responses
Irie stuff…real irie stuff. After getting all of that it was as if graduating to higher knowledge. Awesome!
I hate to bring up Religion, but Jesus himself was killed because he was teaching the SECRET. He said “whatever Two people bind on earth is bound in Heaven” or “Pray for everything, every day”! It is the same principle as Meditation and no longer thinking negative thoughts but only positive kind and loving thoughts.
salit sava vean