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How To Deal With A Less Affectionate Girlfriend

“Hello Susan,

Thanks for replying to me when I was upset about my girlfriend not talking to me or being affectionate with me.

You asked me why.

Well I really had no idea and when I went and asked her what was bothering her that only made things worse. So after emailing you I sat down and did a lot of thinking about what was happening to us, and why things were getting so distant and so bad that we didn’t even talk let alone have any intimacy and after only 1 year of living together.

I went back into my old files and found your teachings called, “21 Deadly Seduction Mistakes Men In Relationship Make That Kill Your Sex Life.”

I was making almost all of the mistakes outlined in the file.

I was playing the victim, had a huge “get mentality” and had no integrity and no control over my emotions or my actions.


21 dealy mistakes 2

Get your free audio download ⇒ 21 Deadly Seduction Mistakes Men In Relationship Make That Kill Your Sex Life.

The realization of all that I was doing to drive her away and that it was my actions and the way I was saying things and the way I was communication and transmitting, not the actual words but the way I was using them that was killing us.

It was a huge eye opener, I took your advice and swallowed my pride and sucked it up and I got her to talk to me by first just asking her to listen and nothing more.

Once I started talking and explaining all I have done to drive her away and about how I finally understand why she was so distant and not interested in me at all she started to come around and started to really open up to me and actually communicate with me.

It was amazing Susan, for the first time in months we were communication and connecting and I was finally understanding what she was saying and not lost.

So thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

I was facing certain doom and now I have hope for the future and can see the light again.

My girl and I have such passion for each other and the sex has never ever been dull or boring for us and I have opened her to more than she has ever let any other partner ever take her to so we have no issue there.

I only now have to as you say revive her drive and get back to were she can’t keep her hands off me like in the beginning.

So again thank you for that, I am looking forward to the Revive Her Drive program and am very excited to get started with that.”

— Pilot Paul


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