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How A Man Has Multiple Orgasms Explained

“I want you to be with me fully during sex… loving me, feeling me, enjoying me.”

Yesterday I explained that women want your attention on them during sex. They don’t want you thinking about tactics to make her come or tactics to keep yourself from coming. We women want you to be fully present, interacting with US, feeling us, guiding us, loving us during sex.

Which is one of the reasons why the ME Breath technique that Jim demonstrated in the workshops is such a critical skill for every sexually active man to know.

When you train your body to do this “squeeze-breathe-thrust” technique during lovemaking, it keeps you from coming too fast without worrying about coming too fast during sex.

(NEW! Each Workshop Replay Includes Fast Forward Controller So You Can Repeat Sections or Skip Ahead.)

How To Be A Multi-Orgasmic Man <=== Watch Now or Bookmark (3 hours)


When you don’t worry about coming too fast during sex, you CAN put your attention on taking your pleasure with her and triggering her vaginal orgasms with the pleasure you’re showing her. (Watch the replay to the Triggering Her Vaginal Orgasms workshop here for a limited time to understand more about how this virtuous cycle works.)

By watching the questions coming through on the chat during our workshops with 300 to over 1,000 guys, the single biggest misunderstanding men had wasn’t about how to do the ME Breath… They understood it was a combination of a “squeeze-breathe-thrust…”

The confusion was about how you could separate ejaculation from orgasm.

How can you have an orgasm if you don’t come?

Aren’t they one and the same?

They are NOT, as Jim explains in the Workshop on Male Multiple-Orgasm.

While you may be most familiar with what Jim calls, “the plain vanilla one-and-done ejaculatory orgasm,” there are MANY kinds of orgasms every man’s body can have.

And when you can have an orgasm without ejaculating, you can have MANY non-ejaculatory orgasms during lovemaking that trigger her own vaginal orgasms from penetration.

Jim has a cartoon that shows how you separate orgasm from ejaculation in the Male Multiple-Orgasm workshop.

Watch the Cartoon of Non-Ejaculatory Male Orgasms Explained <=== Replay With Fast Forward Controls Available NOW For a Limited Time

Of course, when you’re done having intercourse, you can ejaculate as the grand finale.

You’re not giving up your climax, you’re getting MORE pleasure and she’s getting more pleasure from YOUR pleasure.

So the trick to have many orgasms that trigger her vaginal orgasms is in separating ejaculation from orgasm during sex.

Jim also outlines six other kinds of orgasms you can be having.

It’s just like women learning to go from clitoral orgasms to G-Spot orgasms to squirting orgasms to vaginal orgasms to analgasms to nipplegasms to throatgqasms… Many different kinds of erotic stimulation can trigger many different kinds of orgasms in both men and women.

Both sexes are multi-orgasmic.

All orgasms are learnable.

You just need someone to teach you how.

And Jim Benson is the best guy I’ve ever met at explaining and giving you techniques for separating ejaculation from orgasm so you can enjoy many non-ejaculatory orgasms while making sweet love to your woman.

There were a high percentage of women on the “Trigger Her Vaginal Orgasms” Workshop. They wanted to know how to teach their men to do this to them.

And learning how to be a multi-orgasmic man is the first step.

Watching this workshop is the next step in your sexual evolution:

Watch Jim Explain How To Have Non-Ejaculatory Male Orgasms <=== Replay With Fast Forward Controls Available NOW For a Limited Time

All three workshops are available to watch for a limited time. They are all three hours long but the meat is in the first hour.

You’re on my list to learn how to be a better lover.

And this is my latest, greatest offering.

So don’t miss about by screwing around and forgetting to watch these free workshops.

I’m only keeping the workshop replays up for a limited time.
If you’d like to watch any of the three workshops, you can see replays here:

(NEW! Each Workshop Replay Includes Fast Forward Controller So You Can Repeat Sections or Skip Ahead.)

Trigger Her Vaginal Orgasms  Watch Now or Bookmark (3 hours)
Last As Long As She Wants  Watch Now or Bookmark (3 hours)
How To Be A Multi-Orgasmic Man  Watch Now or Bookmark (3 hours)

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