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Check This Before Taking Vitamins

“How impor­tant are vit­a­mins and min­er­als? I eat as healthy as possible, exercise enough, and do my best to avoid unhealthy habits like smok­ing and drink­ing. Will vit­a­mins still benefit me? Sin­cere­ly ask­ing.” – Shane (not his real name)

I get a lot of emails like this. It’s not just Shane who’s ask­ing.

For us in our 40s, 50s, and beyond, we know how essen­tial vit­a­mins, min­er­als, and nutri­ents help us function at our best.

Yet, even if you’re younger and feel unstop­pable, vit­a­mins still are huge­ly ben­e­fi­cial for you. So, let me break it down quickly.

There’s a reason why a third of all North Amer­i­cans today take sup­ple­ments.

There are sev­er­al.

First of all, tak­ing vit­a­mins improves your gen­er­al health and well-being. Stud­ies have shown that con­sis­tent, long-term use of vit­a­mins helps reduce the risk of chron­ic dis­eases like heart dis­ease and dia­betes in both men and women.

Another reason vit­a­mins are great for you is that they help boost cog­ni­tive func­tion and mood, improve mem­o­ry, and relieve stress, phys­i­cal fatigue, and anx­i­ety.

Now, as for which vit­a­mins are the best, health­i­est, and most intelligent choice for you, check this out.

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One of the most important things to look for when choos­ing vit­a­min sup­ple­ments is to check whether you’re aller­gic to it.

Some of the “house­hold name” sup­ple­ments on the mar­ket today con­tain both nat­ur­al and syn­thet­ic ingre­di­ents that some peo­ple are aller­gic to. I sug­gest check­ing the complete ingre­di­ent list on the label.

Another common thing to look out for is arti­fi­cial col­or­ing, filler ingre­di­ents, and arti­fi­cial sweet­en­ers.

During the R&D phase of our DESIRE Libido Trio pro­duc­tion, we looked at the ingre­di­ents list of a wide selection of big-name sup­ple­ments, health bars, and prod­ucts.

It was shock­ing how many of the top household health food products con­tain arti­fi­cial sweet­en­ers and sug­ar. It makes sense. Peo­ple LOVE sug­ar. People LOVE sweet and yum­my desserts. Turn­ing sup­ple­ments and healthy foods into “healthy desserts” is a smart move, but it defeats the purpose if you’re just snack­ing on sug­ar.

The MOST IMPORTANT thing to check before tak­ing any vit­a­min sup­ple­ment is whether they use methy­lat­ed nutri­ents.

Here’s why they’re so important.

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Methy­la­tion makes nutri­ents eas­i­ly absorbable by your body.

Stud­ies show that pos­si­bly up to 40% of peo­ple have a spe­cif­ic gene anom­aly that makes it hard­er for them to syn­the­size B vit­a­mins, espe­cial­ly Vit­a­min B9 (folic acid) ren­der­ing com­mon mul­ti­vi­t­a­min sup­ple­ments inef­fec­tive.

Whether or not you have the gene anom­aly, you’re bet­ter off with methy­lat­ed nutri­ents since they’re absorbed bet­ter.

Your body loves methy­lat­ed nutri­ents. And prop­er methy­la­tion of the foods you eat ensures you’re using the good stuff from every­thing you’re putting into your body.

We made sure to for­mu­late our DESIRE Libido Trio with methy­lat­ed nutri­ents to ensure max­i­mum syn­the­sis and absorp­tion.

Instead of the cheap­er folic acid, we use Methyl Folate.

Get Up To 25% OFF On FLOW Here ⇐ Save By Getting A 6-Month Supply (For All Customers Worldwide)

Click Here For The DESIRE Trio ⇐ Daily Supplement For Overall Health

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