Could you be having vaginal or pelvic pain?
Pelvic pain continues to be one of the most crippling conditions women face that ruin their relationships, sexual health, and overall joy.
It is so widespread among women that my guest for today’s video interview, Isa Herrera, a pelvic floor specialist, has already helped over 14,000 women in a span of 25 years avoid, reverse, and solve painful sex, vaginal pain, incontinence, and other pelvic issues.
Today, we will discuss the six most common reasons for painful sex and go deep into each one.
Ladies, you’re not going to want to miss this one.
Click Here To Watch My Video ⇐ Healing Painful Sex
Get FLOW ⇐ This Supplement Improves Blood Flow To Your Vagina, Your Clitoral System, and Your Pelvic Musculature
As you go through my discussion with Isa Herrera, you’re also going to discover more about:
- Tight musculature vs. loose musculature with women’s pelvic muscles
- Why kegel’s exercises aren’t enough to retain the tone and strength of a woman’s pelvic floor
- Why sitting and slouching is considered the “kiss of death” or the “new smoking” for a woman’s pelvic floor and how to reverse its adverse effects.
- One core exercise all women should do (it’s not Kegel’s)
- Why not pushing muscles during urination and defecation can benefit women’s overall pelvic health and help minimize vaginal pain
- How urge incontinence and stress incontinence can happen when women restrict their water and fluid intake
- How women’s partners can come in and help heal vaginal and pelvic pain (as well as help grow relationship intimacy)
- Isa Herrera’s opinions on hormone replacement therapy and which options she has had for herself
- Why nerve damage is considered one of the most challenging problems to reverse and treat, and how it can come about to cause vaginal and pelvic pain (and how to avoid it from happening)
- Why Kegel’s exercises can make vaginal and pelvic nerve damage much worse (and what activities and solutions to do instead)
- Systemic issues that contribute to vaginal and pelvic pain
- How lack of alignment of your pelvic bones and connective tissue can contribute to vaginal and pelvic pain
And so much more…
Click Here To Watch My Video ⇐ Healing Painful Sex
Get FLOW ⇐ This Supplement Improves Blood Flow To Your Vagina, Your Clitoral System, and Your Pelvic Musculature
Vaginal and pelvic pain is often linked to hormonal health issues. It would be wise to keep an eye on your hormone levels. And I’ve got the perfect thing.
Click Here To Watch My Video ⇐ Healing Painful Sex