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“How to have my sexual awakening?” (Mailbag)

Personal Life Media is having its 15th Anniversary HOLIDAY SALE! And to celebrate, the excellent, best-selling Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection will be at 60% OFF on December 2nd! Fully Remastered for higher quality! However, we only have 500 copies available. So VIPs get the first chance at the sale price with no obligation to purchase. Click this link:

Click Here to get on the Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection 60% OFF Sale VIP List.

I’ve repeated time and time that any woman can squirt. 

However, it doesn’t come as easy for every woman. 

Some find it a breeze to experience their first gushing orgasm. Some just can’t get their bodies to cooperate. 

They need to take it much slower, deeper, more intimate, more excited, with more authentic intimacy by themselves or with a lover they genuinely enjoy having sex with. 

Check out one fan’s question about this topic and my response below. 

Steamy Sex Ed® Early Notification ⇐ Experience Incredibly Hot Passion. Get On The VIP List (Heart-connected, sensual, passionate lovemaking videos)

You’ll get a one-day advanced notice before other people so you can have a chance to consider purchasing my Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection before all of our 60% off sale copies are snatched up.


Hi Susan,

You state that every woman can come. Well, I am 43 years old, and so far I haven’t come. Neither on my own nor with a partner. And I think it’s down to my introduction to sex.

I did not feel any sexual arousal or have any sexual desire until the age of 18 (which, from listening to podcasts, etc., is strange in itself). Still, my partner wanted to have sex very badly, and eventually, I accommodated him.

We were both very inexperienced, and it never became pleasurable for me. We were together for a very long time, and sex was something I did for him, but not because I wanted to. 

My theory is that through this, I have learned that sex is not pleasurable, and I am never looking forward to it, nor do I know what is enjoyable for me. 

So I can’t even tell a guy what to do to make the experience good for me. After we separated, I was alone for a very long time. Recently I have started meeting guys to explore my sexuality with them further.

But so far, it hasn’t been a great experience which is mainly due to my inexperience.

Not sure how best to deal with this and whether I can rewire myself to connect good feelings with sex.

Do you have any helpful tips for me? Looking forward to receiving your response.” — 

Caroline (not her real name)


Hi Caroline,

You’re wise to realize you’ve missed your connection to your authentic sexual self. 

I’d suggest you watch my Steamy Sex Ed® Collection video series by yourself and also with your partner.  

Watching various techniques demonstrated in a non-pornographic, heart-connected way will open you to the pleasures of sensual lovemaking.

As you progress through watching the videos and exposing your body to new avenues of pleasure, let me know your following questions. I’m here to support you on your journey.

Steamy Sex Ed® Early Notification ⇐ Experience Incredibly Hot Passion. Get On The VIP List (Heart-connected, sensual, passionate lovemaking videos)

You’ll get a one-day advanced notice before other people so you can have a chance to consider purchasing my Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection before all of our 60% off sale copies are snatched up.

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