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PRP Hair Restoration + Laser Cap Treatment

Here’s a follow-up to a previous email on PRP for regeneration. Read on to learn about hair restoration treatment.

If you want to stay young forever, my dear friend and sexual regenerative expert Dr. Robyn Benson and I discuss some beautiful options in today’s videos.

This is what you call Amplified Regenerative Therapies. 

She calls it “The A.R.T. of turning back the clock on our genital functions… naturally.”

These procedures put your body into repair mode using your healing factors. 

Genuinely innovative and futuristic, but it’s available for you and me right now. 

Check Out Our Video Here ⇐ PRP For Hair Restoration 

I wear this hat every morning for 10 minutes to avoid hair loss, stimulate new growth, increase the number of hairs in each follicle and thicken all the new hair it grows.

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This Cap Works ⇐ Capillus Laser Cap For Reversing Hair Loss


Now, here’s another way to restore your beautiful head of hair. 

Unless you’re one of the lucky people with evergreen hair growth, chances are you’ve considered (or already are) getting hair loss treatment.

Two-thirds of men will notice hair loss by 35. And when they reach 50, three out of four men experience significant thinning. 

Now, it’s not just for men. An estimated 40% of hair loss sufferers are women. And by the time they reach 50, almost half of all women will experience some hair loss. 

However, is hair that important?

Well, it probably is for many people — considering hair loss treatments are a 3.6 billion-dollar industry.

But what’s the best, most effective solution? Creams? Surgery? Diet?

I struggled with thin hair for most of my life. I feel more beautiful now that I have thicker hair again. I am a devotee of the power of an ingenious device called the Capillus. Check it out together with the PRP treatments.

Check Out Our Video Here ⇐ PRP For Hair Restoration

Here’s Another Video ⇐ Capillus Laser Cap For Reversing Hair Loss

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⇐ Put This On Your Head To Promote Healthy Hair 

hair restoration treatment


I also want to ensure you take my new FLOW blood flow supplement and my new DESIRE TRIO Vitamins.

They are for men and women across the gender spectrum. FLOW gets the blood to your genitals, so you feel more pleasure and have a firmer, more pleasurable clitoral or penis erection.

hair restoration treatment


For the Libido Vitamins, there are three bottles for a 90-day supply. You take two capsules a day of just one of the bottles. This gives you a complete multi-vitamin, multi-mineral complex PLUS a libido botanical. I put a 300mg dose of one of the botanicals in each bottle.

You can take one bottle in the first month, the second in month two, and the third in the last month and repeat.

Or you can take whichever one appeals to you that day.

They are a mix-and-match.

The reason I didn’t put them all in one is:

  1. Combining all three is too much of a hefty dose. Easy as she goes.
  2. This way, you can try Tongkat Ali, Tribulus Terrestris, and Fenugreek separately and see if a particular one makes you feel the horniest.

Get Up To 33% OFF On FLOW Here ⇐ 3 Bottles Every 3 Months Option (For All Customers Worldwide)

Check Out All Our Supplements Here ⇐ Use Promo Code SUSAN to Save 10% 

Here’s Dr. Robyn holding up our supplements.

hair restoration treatment

Get you a vitamin that supports your libido!

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