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Sexual Healing Reverses The Negative Past

Almost everyone has been negatively impacted in their sex life.

  • Making an embarrassing mistake with a partner
  • Feeling ashamed of your body or desire
  • Growing up in a repressed family or society
  • Feeling “less than” compared to the images in media
  • A weird experience of some kind
  • Being molested or made fun of
  • Unwanted pregnancy, getting an STI
  • Feeling insecure about your skills and sexual identity
  • Generational trauma

Most people could check one or more of these boxes… so you’re not alone in your struggle.

Or maybe your partner’s the one who’s affected, and you’d like to help them become a whole sexual being?

Today, I have an excellent video featuring two of the most empathetic, experienced experts in the field, showing you how to “Rewrite Your Libido Story.”

Rewriting Your Libido Story ⇐ Free Yourself From Sexual Shame, Revitalize Your Libido, And Spark Passion In Your Relationship

LIBIDO REVIVAL – Sexual Healing

In this video dialog, Susan Bratton, a trusted intimacy expert to millions, and Dr. Keesha Ewers, a doctor of sexual functional medicine, give you the tools to right the wrongs of your past, find forgiveness for betrayals, and come through to the other side letting go of the emotional burdens holding you back from having the best sexual experience of your life.

Some people are genetically more likely to suffer from these traumas and struggle to overcome them.

You deserve the God-given human right of pleasure and connection with a partner. 

This is the most helpful, healing, wholesome video on reversing sexual trauma without working directly with a therapist.

Susan and Keesha are so compassionate. And they give you a structure and plan to follow to heal your sexual wounds by doing a process called “Rewriting Your Libido Story.”

If your sex drive (or your partner’s sex drive) has suffered from past issues, grab this video now.

Rewriting Your Libido Story ⇐ Free Yourself From Sexual Shame, Revitalize Your Libido, And Spark Passion In Your Relationship

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