Trust is the portal to surrender to pleasure together during lovemaking.
However, even if a woman trusts her partner with her heart and well-being, it’s different behind closed doors.
Many ladies feel we can’t surrender to our body’s true desires during hot sex because we may not fully trust our lover’s reactions.
To not shame us for our weird, crazy, deep erotic desires…
To accept our sexuality as it is…
To understand that we are not the super-hot pornstars that many men wish we were.
That’s what I talk about in today’s video.
Check Out My BetterLover Video Here ⇐ How To Improve Trust In The Bedroom
Here’s Another One To Watch ⇐ How To Be The Man She Wants To Have Sex With
Trust takes a whole new meaning for women when it comes to sex.
While it has much to do with trusting our partner to accept our deep desires, women also fear that their lover is thinking about “someone else.”
Someone else may be the “porn star” performer who wishes the woman to be in the moment.
And this makes her feel insecure, having to “perform” for her lover’s affection in the bedroom and compete with the ultra-sexy actress in his fantasies.
However, when a woman can fully surrender herself and trust her partner, they can reach erotic and orgasmic heights they’ve never seen and felt before.
In today’s episode, I discuss how you and your partner can achieve this unbreakable trust.
Click Here To Watch My BetterLover Video ⇐ How To Improve Trust In The Bedroom
Here’s Another One To Watch ⇐ How To Be The Man She Wants To Have Sex With
I also want to give you one of my most talked-about books called The Sexual Soulmate Pact for FREE.
The Sexual Soulmate Pact is a secret two-word phrase that ignites intimate relationships and passionate lovemaking.
Too good and too simple to be true? Try it for yourself and see how much your relationship and sex life will instantly change for the better.
Click Here To Download The Sexual Soulmate Pact ⇐ Two-Word Phrases That Ignite Passionate Lovemaking