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How to Heal from Sexual Trauma: Supporting Your Partner Through Therapy

genital massage

Many of us have gone through sexual shaming, abuse, or trauma. Very few people escape some sort of sexual shutdown.

For many of us, it’s tough to heal, move on, and let it all go.

These traumatic feelings often arise in the worst situations and cause problems in our current relationships.

Here’s an email I received about such a relationship: 

“Hello, Susan. I am in a relationship with a person who used to be an escort. She is not anymore. She was also abused when she was a child. Our lovemaking is more like an escort session. Wham bam, thank you, ma’am. She doesn’t like letting me touch or hold her, and I want to so badly. 

Do you have any suggestions about making her feel safer or open up and be more touchy and feely with me? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.” — Chris (not his real name) 

In today’s video, my dear friend Ariel Giarretto, trauma therapist and somatic educator, and I talk about the many gentle and loving ways you can help your partner heal (or your partner can help YOU heal) from past sexual trauma.

Check Out Our Videos Here ⇐ Healing My Sexuality (Video Series)


Often, the partners can guide those with past trauma to a state of healing and happiness. That’s what my darling husband, Tim, did for me.

Helping heal your partner’s trauma is one of the most beautiful things you can do for them. You can help open them to their sensual potential.

Whether or not you or your partner have gone through bad experiences in the past, this video is one you would want to watch.

Check Out Our Videos Here ⇐ Healing My Sexuality (Video Series)

I also want to give you a NEW video about Rewriting Your Libido Love Story.

In this video dialog, Dr. Keesha Ewers, a doctor of sexual functional medicine and I give you the tools to correct the wrongs of your past, forgive betrayals, and come through to the other side letting go of emotional burdens holding you back from having the best sexual experience of your life.

You deserve the God-given human right of easeful pleasure and connection with a partner.

This is the most helpful, healing, wholesome video on the subject of reversing sexual trauma I’ve ever done.

If your sex drive (or your partner’s sex drive) has suffered from past issues, grab this video now.

Rewriting Your Libido Story (VIDEO) ← Watch Or Download Now Before It’s Gone

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