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Penis Rejuvenation (Regenerative Anti-Aging Sexual Health)

… and The 4 Types of Men with ED

What Causes Erectile Dysfunction? (4 Types of Men With ED) ⇐ Watch Now
Erectile Dysfunction Causes and Diagnosis —Why Do You Have ED? ⇐ Watch Now

Here is the second set of videos I recorded with Dr. Amy B. Killen on ED Causes and Diagnosis.

I wanted her to explain the different types of men who get ED and why.

She explains in this video that there are four buckets of men. Each of the four have a cluster of causes:

  1. Healthy & Fit
  2. Hormone
  3. Prostate
  4. Co-Morbidity

That last one sounds horrible. Morbid! But Dr. Amy has solutions for every one of these four types of men with ED.

What Causes Erectile Dysfunction? (4 Types of Men With ED) ⇐ Watch Now
Erectile Dysfunction Causes and Diagnosis —Why Do You Have ED? ⇐ Watch Now

Then she goes through why any given guy has ED. She explains the five medical issues that commonly contribute. And how she does different tests to pinpoint your unique solution.  It’s pretty darn interesting. And she gives a LOT of hope that almost every guy with ED can reverse the problem and go on to have a hard erection.

I learned SO MUCH by doing this video series for men.

Even if you don’t have ED now, watch these videos to prevent future problems.

You gotta stay proactive with your health.

This is information EVERY man should know… and every woman who loves a man too.

What Causes Erectile Dysfunction? (4 Types of Men With ED) ⇐ Watch Now
Erectile Dysfunction Causes and Diagnosis —Why Do You Have ED? ⇐ Watch Now

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One Response

  1. I believe I have what is referred to as PSSD or post ssri sexual dysfunction. The difference is that my libido and mind are like I was when I was 16. The physical attributes of this disorder cane on virtually overnight. What if anything can I do?

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