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5 More Sexual Soulmate Techniques

Get 5 new free sex techniques.

Because you liked my Sexual Soulmate Pact free gift, I thought you might like this.

We just upgraded all of the free sex techniques we give away so people can get to know us.

I put in all the links to get 5 free sex techniques in this email.

I’m giving you 5 links to the full techniques and another link to download an executive summary of the techniques in a pdf. You have to click on whichever link suits you.

Each sex position or technique is in article format and you can get to the by clicking the links below. and put them in one pdf file which you can download for free.

(We even put the pictures describing the “Sweet Spot” Oral Sex Position in the little free ebook.)

You can click and see all the free techniques:

1. Butterfly Warm Up (4-Step Foreplay)
2. Orgasmic Breast Massage Master Plan
3. 8 Playful Bedroom Adventures
4. The “Sweet Spot” Oral Sex Position
5. 4 Sex Position Stimulators

Each technique is a free sample from or inspired by my Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection I created where it show heart-connected lovemaking techniques that any couple could comfortably watch together to learn ways to have more pleasure.

There is no commitment to purchase anything. I’m giving you free samples because you know what happens when you have a delicious taste of sex…


You may wonder why I picked these five particular techniques?

Well, Breast Massage is a technique Tim and I learnt that keeps me turned on throughout the week so that warming me up for sex was easier. We think this is a great strategy for working parents and anyone strapped for time who still wants to keep it hot.

This Orgasmic Breast Massage is also really good for “first base” first dates. No STI’s and lots of orgasms. Until you’re ready for more.

The idea for the “Sweet Spot” Oral Sex Position was inspired by Dr. Patti. She’s big on the pillows and props. I learned that from her and morphed it into a cunnilingus pillow position so Tim could go down on me a lot longer. More orgasms!

Butterfly Warm Up came right out of my Steamy Sex Ed® videos. I use everyone of these techniques to enliven my genitals before and during sex. And if I ever had time to masturbate, I’d definitely do this. But I spend all my available sex time having sex with Tim. So I use these during sex to warm myself up and intensify my orgasm. These four warm-ups for women’s genitals work either solo or coupled.

I like to give away things that are so easy that once they enter your awareness it’s like you’ve instantly learned to do it. And it makes you better. That’s what I look for in a free sex technique. The easier it is and the more it blows your mind the more you are like, “That girl knows what the heck she’s talking about.”

I’ve learned so much from my mentors. My sex gurus. They led me to and inspired me to expand my pleasure potential. That’s why the 4 Sex Position Stimulators is one of my awesome free sex techniques. Because it’s new twists on everyday positions. And hey, we’re all busy, stressed, tired… what can I give you that you fold effortlessly into what you’re already doing, but takes your pleasure up three notches? These sex position stimulators bring you even closer together as lovers.

New ways to energize your go-to favorite sex positions is a great gift for anyone preparing to be an incredible lover for the perfect moment.

And sharing sexual moments are some of the most meaningful of our lives. Which is why I created the 8 Playful Bedroom Adventures free sex technique. Because when you learn new things together it spikes your dopamine and brings you closer. And when you watch safe and sexy things together it also spikes your libido. 😉

We can all use help to get to our maximum arousal so that our Bedroom Adventures are a crowd pleaser.

And that’s why I chose these five particular techniques. They appeal to the males, and both single and married females LOVE them. These skills generate AHA! moments that increase your pleasure and connection.

And I love giving away awesome free sex techniques.

How great is my life?

You enjoy now.

Here are the links again.

You can click and see all the free techniques:

1. Butterfly Warm Up (4-Step Foreplay)
2. Orgasmic Breast Massage Master Plan
3. 8 Playful Bedroom Adventures
4. The “Sweet Spot” Oral Sex Position
5. 4 Sex Position Stimulators

If you like free sex techniques by video, I have a YouTube channel called Better Lover. ⇐ Check It Out

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