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Clearing Your Sexual Blocks To A Better Sex Life

Increase your sexual vitality and energy.

“Creates MOVEMENT in your sexual energy.”

You may not think you have sexual blocks, but Jim can tell you in all his years of helping men gain ejaculatory choice, struggling with blocks is a HUGE issue for nearly all men. As soon as you begin moving your arousal throughout your body instead of just in your genitals, you’re going to start feeling blocks.

So for guys who say “my heart feels armored, I have a block in my solar plexus, I have a knot low in my belly, my genitals feel numb…” The Streaming Process is a block-crusher. It shakes loose where you feel physically stuck. Once your body is opened up by Streaming, it becomes much easier to move all that pent-up desire out of your cock and spread it through your body, because all of your channels are open.


So now you are going to have sexual energy running through your body making you feel more pleasure than you can even imagine now. And your woman is going to FEEL that energy and get off on it with you.

Y’know, once you start moving your turn-on from your genitals throughout your body with the ME Breath — which is the nucleus of the Multi-Orgasmic Lover program —you start to notice where the energy doesn’t want to go. Those spots — like in your throat, around your heart, in your belly or hips — are traumas that are held in the body. They occur because of injuries, or surgeries, or even shame that you experienced when you were younger.

That’s why we’re including The Streaming Technique video as a Workshop Special Offer BONUS when you purchase Multi-Orgasmic Lover by November 2, 2015.

Try Multi-Orgasmic Lover for Two Months Risk Free  <=== Expires in 9 Days

MOL streaming technique

The Streaming Process is incredibly powerful at dissolving those stuck places in your body. In this video I show you how to physically SHAKE your body three very specific different ways. I also include original music that you can play during your own streaming practice.

You’ll be amazed at the positive change you’re gonna feel after you’ve done the Streaming practice for even a few days. And your woman will feel the difference, too.

From my decade of work with men I know that you may not have ever gotten the kind of affection and loving that you deserve. When you shake your body loose, you are suddenly be more approachable, more touchable, more responsive to your woman. She’s going to want you to hug and hold her, to sit on your lap and kiss you, she’s going to be pulled closer to you. You’ll go from being tight to loose and approachable.

Valued at $59, the Streaming Process video also comes with original music: The Streaming audio track valued at $29 that you listen to while you’re doing your Streaming Process.

Try Multi-Orgasmic Lover for Two Months Risk Free <=== Expires in 9 Days

CD Cover StreamingTechnique


In addition to waking up your multi orgasmic energy system in your body, Streaming will increase your vitality and energy in just a few minutes a day (stop taking breaks in bed because you’re tired!).

Try Multi-Orgasmic Lover for Two Months Risk Free <=== Expires in 9 Days

 *You have a 60-day money back guarantee. So when you place your order before 11/2/15 you will receive ALL the Workshop Attendee Special Bonuses. All we ask is that you try it. If for any reason it’s not right for you at this time, we will cheerfully and immediately refund your payment. And since there is no way we can come take it off your computer, you will get to keep it just for trying Multi-Orgasmic Lover.

And all audios, videos and the workbook are being delivered online… it’s not like you have to send anything back if you’re not happy.

So how about we strike a gentlemen’s (and ladies’) agreement right now?

You get Multi-Orgasmic Lover and go through the program.
I mean REALLY go through it.
Get as much out of it as you can.

Watch the four videos –Self-Massage, the PC Pump (you can perfect it for maximum stamina), Pelvic Rocking…

Look, listen… Even if you only double or triple your stamina with the ME Breath, the Pelvic Rocking stroke is going to instantly improve the quality of intercourse for your woman… and what’s it worth to be the best lover she’s ever had plunging perfectly in and out of her velvety softness?

Sexual Breathing –again a lot of you guys have naturally figured out this is a piece of the stamina puzzle, so knowing the sequence and timing is going to rapidly accelerate your ability to last as long as you want.

Then put it all together with the ME Breath video and try it out on your woman or on a date.

Once you and she have experienced it, ask yourself, “Was this worth it?”
If your answer isn’t a resounding, HELL YES, then let me know before the two months is up and I’ll refund you.

So you literally have nothing to lose.

All of the risk is on me and I feel GOOD about that –because I understand:

How miserable you feel when your own body lets you down, doesn’t cooperate and can’t be counted on.

How much love and affection you miss giving and getting. And I know you love to hold and feel a beautiful woman in your arms as much as we love being held and made love to by you.

And that you have every right to be completely skeptical because the whole world of charlatans, insane remedies, big pharma corporations that win when you fail… I mean, who can you trust?

We stand by our program. We’re showing you our faces. We have a zero-risk agreement with you.

So I guess what I’m saying is I don’t expect you to take my word for it that the ME Breath will work for you…

You decide yourself you want this, you’re willing to try this…

There’s no better option out there as far as I can see…

Which is why I’m 100% behind the ME Breath being not just a solution, but the ONLY solution if you want the stamina to have long, erotic sessions of succulent, sweet intercourse…

You want to pleasure your woman in ways you may never have before…

You want to live up to your full potential as a man…

And especially if you have any kind of erectile performance issues you want to end, once and for all, this gut-wrenching sadness that comes from not having a member that will stand up and salute your goddess every time she’s in the mood.

So go ahead and click the button now, place your order and get in there and kick the tires.

Get Instant Access Button

You have 8 weeks. And if you want all your money back with a thank you and a smile, you will get one, and Multi-Orgasmic Lover is still yours to keep, because that’s how sure I am that this integrated ME Breath technique is what will finally shift most of you guys from misery to pure pleasure.

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