Chi Breath drives LIFE FORCE into your penis.
Look, I have one more double-barreled bonus to get you off the fence to purchase Multi-Orgasmic Lover before the Workshop Special Offer Expires next week.
You may be wondering if the ME Breath will work for you if you struggle with ED, or you’re relying on Viagra, Cialis, Levitra or some other pharmaceutical to get hard. Because there are some guys who can’t easily GET HARD, and for you guys — I have the solution for you.
The bonus technique is called The Chi Breath. It is awesome at giving guys more powerful erections. (scroll down to learn more)
If you are a guy who has challenges getting hard, this bonus video called The Chi Breath shows you how to bring energy into your genitals to build stronger, longer-lasting erections.
How To Keep From Going Soft (VIDEO) Fast Forward to 2:16:36
Videos Expire In One Week on November 2nd, 2015.
(click below the video to try Multi-Orgasmic Lover for 2 months risk-free)
So far we’ve been explaining how you bring the energy UP your body using the ME Breath. The CHI Breath is a variation of the ME Breath that carries power DOWN your body. “Chi” means “energy”, and the Chi Breath drives life force to your penis.
It’s the best natural erection enhancement I’ve found.
I recommend QiGong to my guys as a martial arts practice that has massive sexual benefits. I recommend Hatha Yoga to my women who want to cultivate their sexual energy. The breath work in Hatha Yoga gives me orgasms just from a sitting meditation. These ancient practices connect your breath and your orgasm and expand your orgasmic pleasure potential.
What Jim’s done here is take the best of QiGong and give you an easy way to drive it directly into your dick. It’s a sexy dick trick!
Plus here is a video Jim made for our Get Hard Stay Hard Workshop called, How To Keep From Going Soft. Guys told us the #2 issue they had was maintaining their erection.
When you watch this you will have an opportunity to LOCK IN the Workshop Attendee Special Bonuses with your purchase before it expires November 2, 2015. (expires in one week)
How To Keep From Going Soft (VIDEO) Fast Forward to 2:16:36
Videos Expire In One Week on November 2nd, 2015.
(click below the video to try Multi-Orgasmic Lover for 2 months risk-free)
Another BONUS for guys who have “erectile dysfunction.”
For a lot of programs out there about ED, you’d pay 60 or 70 bucks, and for that you’d get what’s included in this book. We’re adding it in as part of our offer that expires in one week.
This book tells you how to eliminate the root causes of ED.
And you get two instant hard-on techniques.
1) “The Sexual Trigger Technique.” Takes about a month to prepare, then you can use it anytime you want at a moment’s notice.
2) “3D Senses Visualization.” Practice 2-3 times – you can even use it tonight.
The three things you can do instantly increase your testosterone, lower your estrogen, and boost your libido with diet and exercise strategies.
For guys who grew up on Internet porn, this is guide a home run. We cover “progressive sensitization” which happens when you can’t get hard with a real woman or you can’t feel much sensation during sex.
Both The No B.S. Guide to Erectile Dysfunction Special Report AND the Chi Energy Breath video are yours when you purchase Multi-Orgasmic Lover by November 2, 2015.
Are you starting to see how much there is to know about how to manage your own body so that you can pleasure your lovers better than guys who don’t keep learning?
The bonuses disappear like a Halloween witch on November 2nd.
How To Keep From Going Soft (VIDEO) Fast Forward to 2:16:36
Videos Expire In One Week on November 2nd, 2015.
(click below the video to try Multi-Orgasmic Lover for 2 months risk-free)
You have a 60-day money back guarantee on Multi-Orgasmic Lover. So when you place your order before 11/2/15 you will receive ALL the Workshop Attendee Special Bonuses. All we ask is that you try it. If for any reason it’s not right for you at this time, we will cheerfully and immediately refund your payment. And since there is no way we can come take it off your computer, you will get to keep it just for trying Multi-Orgasmic Lover.
And all audios, videos and the workbook are being delivered online… it’s not like you have to send anything back if you’re not happy.
So how about we strike a gentlemen’s (and ladies’) agreement right now?
You get Multi-Orgasmic Lover and go through the program.
I mean REALLY go through it.
Get as much out of it as you can.
Watch the four videos –Self-Massage, the PC Pump (you can perfect it for maximum stamina), Pelvic Rocking…
Look, listen… Even if you only double or triple your stamina with the ME Breath, the Pelvic Rocking stroke is going to instantly improve the quality of intercourse for your woman… and what’s it worth to be the best lover she’s ever had plunging perfectly in and out of her velvety softness?
Sexual Breathing –again a lot of you guys have naturally figured out this is a piece of the stamina puzzle, so knowing the sequence and timing is going to rapidly accelerate your ability to last as long as you want.
Then put it all together with the ME Breath video and try it out on your woman or on a date.
Once you and she have experienced it, ask yourself, “Was this worth it?”
If your answer isn’t a resounding, HELL YES, then let me know before the two months is up and I’ll refund you.
So you literally have nothing to lose.
All of the risk is on me and I feel GOOD about that — because I understand:
How miserable you feel when your own body lets you down, doesn’t cooperate and can’t be counted on.
How much love and affection you miss giving and getting. And I know you love to hold and feel a beautiful woman in your arms as much as we love being held and made love to by you.
And that you have every right to be completely skeptical because the whole world of charlatans, insane remedies, big pharma corporations that win when you fail… I mean, who can you trust?
We stand by our program. We’re showing you our faces. We have a zero-risk agreement with you.
So I guess what I’m saying is I don’t expect you to take my word for it that the ME Breath will work for you…
You decide yourself you want this, you’re willing to try this…
There’s no better option out there as far as I can see…
Which is why I’m 100% behind the ME Breath being not just a solution, but the ONLY solution if you want the stamina to have long, erotic sessions of succulent, sweet intercourse…
You want to pleasure your woman in ways you may never have before…
You want to live up to your full potential as a man…
And especially if you have any kind of erectile performance issues you want to end, once and for all, this gut-wrenching sadness that comes from not having a member that will stand up and salute your goddess every time she’s in the mood.
So go ahead and click the button now, place your order and get in there and kick the tires.
You have 8 weeks. And if you want all your money back with a thank you and a smile, you will get one, and Multi-Orgasmic Lover is still yours to keep, because that’s how sure I am that this integrated ME Breath technique is what will finally shift most of you guys from misery to pure pleasure.