Since we’re all just wriggling tubes of humanity living for brief times on this planet. . . And since our minds are simply the noisiest — but certainly not the most intelligent part of our bodies — I’d argue our gut and heart are equally as smart, in a different way than our brain. . . This book, Do You Quantum Think? by Dianne Collins gives readers a marvelous perspective on how our mind works for and against us and how to harness the power of our mind by looking at it from afar, rather than being mired in our own thoughts.
Don’t believe everything you think.
Conscious thinking means you become aware of what you are thinking. You watch your own thoughts. And you realize they are just that: thoughts. Not gospel. Not “the truth.” There are a zillion truths. And you can add more knowledge and perspective and shape what you think actively, rather than passively being a slave to your cultural conditioning and your experiences to date. When you become, “the watcher,” you become more centered and grounded. Instead of reacting to your mind, move above it. Become centered in your core Self, not in what your mind throws out in its single-minded purpose of protecting you from harm and keeping your wriggling tube of a body alive to procreate our species.
Your everyday experiences are guided by what your mind thinks about.
What you think is what you get, but you can think yourself into better situations. “Clinical studies have shown that people who thought about exercising by imagining flexing their biceps as hard as possible five times a week actually increased their strength by 13.5 percent after a few weeks, and maintained the gain for three months after their training stopped.” The idea that you can move out of mechanical thinking and choose to actively create your reality is the foundation of that movie, “The Secret” and the concept of The Law of Attraction or Abundance. You put your attention on what you want, ignoring what you don’t want, and you naturally begin to have what you want in your life. This comes with the work involved in getting what you want, of course. Too many folks misunderstand the Law of Attraction, assuming you merely think and it happens. You have to make the effort to do the work to get what you dream of. This is called, “conscious intent.” Very simply, what you focus on expands.
Connection to other.
Once you come to terms with your impermanence and your connection to all of humanity you begin to want to serve the greater good. With the awareness that your time on the planet is brief and every day is an opportunity to be joyful and at peace, instead of stressed out and unfulfilled, you can begin to open your heart to others. When you realize everyone is doing the best they can, you begin to cultivate compassion for people. This is a much nicer perspective than the me, me, me thrum of individualism. The movement of “conscious capitalism” is a direct outgrowth of corporate leaders recognizing that they can run companies that contribute to the greater good and that it’s more pleasurable and meaningful to do so.
One of the ways to palpably feel your connection to all of humanity is through meditation. Meditating opens a channel to “spirit” or “source.” Once you’ve cleared your mind of its chatter your energy body will send its tendrils out to meet other souls. The first moment you feel this, it irrevocably alters the way you feel about being human. Once you feel the connection to all other souls it makes you feel more grounded, confident, calm and tranquil.
“It is known in modern brain research that our brains build new neural network connections and gain greater coherence when we expand ourselves through new thinking, through connecting to a higher octave of heart-centered mind, and through establishing ourselves in “meditative” brainwave states. When you live in a state akin to meditation you remain connected to the state of unbounded awareness that quantum physicist, John Hagelin, refers to as the “core unity of all life.”
There are many paths to this meditative brainwave state including sexuality. When you are in the throes of orgasmic pleasure, you are in Theta brainwave state — the same state as meditation. Through an Expanded Orgasm practice you can achieve connection with “spirit” — both with your lover and with all humanity. There are many paths to this connection beyond meditation, prayer and orgasm.
Our breath is our life energy. When you begin to meditate, you focus on your breath. When you actively cultivate your orgasmic potential, you do it through awareness of sensation, awareness of your sexual desire and through breathing to expand the sensation and desire. When you practice breathing consciously, emotions will begin to bubble up at first. This also happens when you begin to have multiple expanded orgasms. Breathing is a way to add the body into the mix of being a conscious “quantum” thinker.
Harnessing your meta-mind, your ability to guide your mind instead of following what ever it thinks up, will increase your capacity to love yourself, your lovers and your fellow man. When you love more, you actually feel more loved. If you feel unloved, meditation or having an Expanded Orgasm practice will strengthen your love muscle, making you a better lover and love-giver. Being a master love-giver will bathe you in feelings of being loved. It’s a virtuous circle. Dianne Collins explains that “our heart is 60 percent brain cells, not just muscle.”
“Many people have what we call, “mystical experiences.” A sense of awe about life itself when you connect to the Great Intelligence, when your heart is so open and you experience a love so profound and the connection so real, the ecstasy of the infinite unboundedness of it all is experienced directly.”
Now that knowledge is Google.
Now that you can look up much of the world’s information on the phone in your hand, the author recommends we begin to “Listen from Not-Knowing.” This is a Buddhist philosophy called, “the beginner’s mind.” When you approach life with the perspective that you do not have all the answers and you begin to ask questions, it creates a fresh, exciting frame of mind. When you do this with your lover and your lovemaking, every moment becomes thrilling again. You begin to feel like a child, experiencing life for the first time. This wonder expands your pleasure for life. When you listen from a place of Not-Knowing you are being deliberately conscious instead of defaulting to thinking you know, needing to be certain, which is limiting and boring.
The Universe wants you to succeed.
One of the central tenets to Quantum Thinking is the belief that the universe wants you to be successful if you simply allow it. That good things happen and you see opportunities to have what you want, once you become clear what it is that you want. Instead of pushing, forcing, predicting — you make allowances for kismet or the Universe to help guide you along your path. Dianne Collins calls this, “being open to Infinite Possibility.” Imagine if you first got clear about exactly what you want in your life, and then you think through the actions you can take to achieve that goal while allowing for the possibility of the universe to help you along? If this sounds like hopeful folderol, consider that you might be holding on to old ways of thinking that help you feel superior, or that rational thought leaves no room for intuition, which you do have inside of you.
Live fully dimensionally.
Here’s a valuable lens through which to consider your thoughts and actions, your conscious perspective, and how much love you give and receive now versus your potential love volume. . . Dianne called it, Living Fully Dimensionally. And she describes the seven facets which include the physical body, energetic feeling, virtual mind, spiritual heart, cosmic nature, esoteric soul, and divine sacred. When you take into account that those seven facets are always in play you can harness them to enhance the richness of your life. Moving out of a purely rational or emotional perspective and expanding to consider tapping into your Intuition means you’ve achieved a state of awakened awareness. “Intuition allows you to “think” beyond the limits of the conceptual mind.” Breathing accelerates your ability to access all seven facets of a fully dimensional life. Even taking a few deep breaths each time you give yourself awareness of your thinking will help you increase your sense of well being.
Practice ideas and exercises.
In the book, Do You Quantum Think?, Dianne Collins does an extraordinary job of demystifying esoteric concepts like Zero-Point, Quantum Energy, Resonance, Non-Locality and other terms you might hear but don’t completely understand. This is a next-generation framework for thinking and practicing active consideration of one’s life. At the end of each chapter readers are given “Recreations.” These are exercises or practices you can do to more fully understand the concepts as she builds your knowledge of the concepts of Quantum Thinking. Embodied behaviors go a long way toward changing ingrained reactions.
The bottom line is that this book is well written, easy to read, full of marvelous examples, quotations, explanations of science and cognitive theory. Dianne Collins will irrevocably elevate your perception about how your mind can work better for you from today onward. At the very least, if you’ve read to here please remember to use your heart muscle to give more love today.
11 Responses
I appreciate information like this Susan. Please continue to provide it along with all the other wonderful knowledge you send out. This “Quantum Thinking’ perspective has provided me with a fantastic well rounded life so far and I know it will continue to do so in each and every aspect of me.
Thank you.I acquired the mental state peace of mind years was hard to acquire and harder to maintain but it helps keep me
mentally balanced when people or things create great stress in my life.I appreciate the extra angle of perception and look forward to integrating what I have just read and what I already pratice
I have had a different perspective of life from most people because of hearing problems as a child. from this review it looks like I have been on the edge of thinking that way for years but never crossed over. time to cross.
Over sharing for sure…
Thanks for the review! Sounds like a good read.
Susan, I am a teacher of this approach and have been teaching since 1976. (40 years,) Im very happy to see you present this ancient wisdom.. I want to as you to add one more comment. Pardon the generalizations. The brain thinks in thought packets so we have a complete thought and that is that. But your heart thinks like a flowing river and there is no stop-start. Modern education is focused on developing the analytical brain. When you have a problem or challenge, rather than try to accomplish a solution in the brain analytical thinking mode, consider when you learn to accomplish the need or desire in the heart mode many different changes are occurring. For example, Lets say you need 30 dollars to pay your phone bill. If you just try to earn 30 dollars and then pay the bill. First of all right away you will start worrying about paying the next 30 dollar phone bill. So you may have solved the problem temporarily yet not put it to rest. If instead you concentrate on having money when you need it for meeting your side of the transactions and you can learn through your heart to place yourself in a way that you are always going to have money coming to you so you don’t have to think about the phone bill, You can notice that you don’t have to stress about the phone bill any more because you have learned how to have money to pay all your bills. The money will come and it will go an you will be at peace through the whole process. Also to do this you must have a perspective bigger that 30 dollars so you have learned to make your ability to manifest sizeable and bigger than the 30 dollar bill. This can be done while never worrying about the 30 dollar bill that will present itself month and after month. . This same approach can and should be used to maintain a loving and sexy attitude with your significant Other (SO). Rather than being frustrated and disappointed and face late payments of bills and horney partners that needed sex 2 days ago but you were having fun with something else Create an attitude that allows you to have already taken care of your partner the night before. This may mean that you learn that not every night has to be an orgasm night but when there is, that night it is the bomb. You will not be avoiding your SO or subjecting him to your changeability but he will know that he is receiving attention more often than before, has bomb orgasms, you two are more intimate and more often intimate and it is a deeper yet lighter and more fun not goal oriented. And your oral sex will not end quickly but you can paly with him for an hour or more if you wish and then when you are ready either to chill until tomorrow or get to the happy endings, you will have control of the moment not be subject to the lack of control of his previous behavior. You will see that your partner becomes more giving to you and comes to bed cleaner and smelling nicer with teeth brushed because he wants to impress you and he knows that the more clean he is the more time you will spent that night on him. instead of resenting my obligation to be in an uncomfortable position and take a smelly dick into my throat I have a really fun time paying with him then letting him back away from my edging several time sometimes like this for a whole week or more. I love sucking and licking and I know that I will control the moment. And I know that he and I have a communication that no one else can bring to hi so I never worry about him cheating on me and i love to get him hard then really hard then long and fat then back away a couple of minutes and start again o maybe I gently touch him sliding my lubed hand up and down his head and dick as he squirms in ecstatic pleasure while I get him to promise to take me somewhere nice for dinner Friday night or to check out the dress on sale I know he will love seeing on me with matching shoes of course. Or Whatever my new found power might offer.
Dear Susan,
I liked your review of this book, and right now I`m going to buy it from Amazon. Thank you so much; You`re the best!
Felix P.
I very much appreciate suggestions/reviews on this material. It follows my path of interest.
Thanks Susan. I was weaned on a social work book called ‘Prophecy, Behaviour and Change’. What you believe will happen is what tends to happen. This sounds similar. Or am I underestimating it?
Comment to Susan Bratton sounds like a quantum suggestion, I can’t wait to get it, it looks like an interesting read. thank you Susan. Darryl
I very much appreciate the review … just wanted to say thanks !