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The Big “Married Sex Life Lie”

To this day it still hurts to admit this, but I didn’t like making love to my husband after the “honeymoon period” was over.

Even though I knew I should take care of his needs. . .  I started shying away from his touch pretty early in our marriage.

Our physical intimacy tailed off drastically after we had kids.

Plus, we both foolishly believed that your sex life inevitably cools down after you get married. Watching so many of our friends get divorced or cheat on their spouse was the canary in the coal mine. We could just as easily be in the 50% of marriages that end in divorce.

Luckily, my husband met a sage old man who told him the truth that saved not just our sex life… The secrets Ray told us saved our entire marriage.

Want to bring back that loving feeling?


First off, you absolutely must be told the truth:

You have to know about the real problem…

The real reason you are struggling with getting the sex you want today… and it will surprise you:

Because it’s the one thing that’s been holding you back from realizing the intense and passionate sex you long for and crave

And the reason why men all over the world have faced declining sex lives for years:

The real problem is the fact that you’ve been lied to… and these lies are keeping you from the type of sex with your wife or girlfriend that you desire and deserve…

The Big “Married Sex Life Lie”

Blame the media and magazines, like Cosmo, National Enquirer, and cheesy “female talk shows!”

You and your wife have been bombarded for almost as long as you’ve been alive with false, misleading claims from these sensationalists…

And they depend on your suffering to make a buck.

That’s just criminal in my mind!

All the misinformation out there that the media loves to exploit is enough to confuse anyone… It confused us for years…

They told me that having sex 4-5 times a week is not possible for a couple who has been married for 20 years… Yet NOW my husband Tim and I sometimes make love at night and then again the next morning. And we’re in our 50’s!

But for years, society was conditioning us to believe that this simply could not happen…

Part of the Big Lie is that “women aren’t as sexual as men”… I bet you’ve heard that or maybe even believed that at one point in your life…

This is not even close to the truth…

If you are one of the millions who fell victim to this lie, then you must decide now to believe the truth instead…

Because: Otherwise, you will continue down the road of “not tonight dear”

With your wife’s stiff back facing you every night as your sex life remains dead in its tracks…

And, eventually, no matter how strong you are, you simply give up… on frequent sex with your wife… And on your dream having the sex life you did when you first got together…

Listen: This is not what I want for you, and I know it’s not what you desire for yourself…

And the reason that you struggle with sexual intimacy with your wife is not your fault…

Which means… most couples believe that it’s completely normal for a woman to stop wanting sex after pregnancy… or after menopause… or even after she gains a little weight…

So they accept that as fact and just learn to deal with it!

Amazing, isn’t it?!

The truth is… biologically and psychologically your woman has the same, or more, capacity for sexual desire as you do!

Even after having children…. Even after weight gain… even after menopause… plus:

We now know what precisely needs to be done to arouse any woman’s body… of any age… and of any body type…

Now, here’s another lie:

And this one is the granddaddy of all the sexual intimacy lies…

This is the lie that you have to continually “do things” for your wife to earn “points” that you can cash in for sex later….

Well, guess again… this is as wrong as wrong gets!

If you follow this lie, let me tell you what will happen:

You’ll spend weeks and weeks, busting your balls… without an end in sight… and work yourself to death bargaining or begging for sex…

And every time you get “touchy-feely” and want to show your wife how much you love her physically… you’ll get shut down or rejected… you’ll feel worthless…

And, once that frustration takes hold of you, it’s over… you’ll start to disengage from your wife right then and there…

There’s no way I want you to experience emotional pain like this… ever again…

I Totally Understand

It’s not your fault, you’ve probably heard a million opinions and got some free advice (usually worth about what you pay for it) and you’re more confused than ever…

Well, just like that first nasty lie, there’s some good news:

The real villain here is certainly not you… it’s actually the medical community!

The sad fact is that most therapists… even marriage & sex counselors… don’t know squat about how to have a fulfilling sex life at home…

That’s because they learn about sex by reading about it in some book…

And very few understand the few simple things you need to do to revive a woman’s sex drive sky high…

They think a woman’s sex drive is mental… and they spend all their time trying to get you to “talk” your way out of the problem…

The truth is you should never, ever try to TALK your wife into having sex with you…


Because a woman’s sex drive is tied into her hormones… and the quickest way to turn them off is to talk…

But there is also a simple, natural way to get her love hormones pumping again for you…

You have to activate them through her senses… her taste, her smell, her sight… You have to romance her in just the right way…

And I’m not talking about “romance” in the way your thinking… If you’ve been with a woman for more than a few years…

How you romance her is completely different…than how you romanced her when you first met…

Let me tell you the truth about how you and your wife can be happy in bed again…

These are the same romance tips that I have shown to thousands of men who successfully  restored their wife’s sex drive and now get all the sex they desire and deserve…

This is what I do, so help is on the way.

The Best System In The Whole World For Getting Your Wife To Want You For Sex Again. . . And Think It’s Her Idea

You could go out and read EVERY book ever written on “passionate marriage,” sexual intimacy, even sexless marriage advice, spend HOURS interviewing every sex therapist, seduction expert, sex workshop coach, and even adult sex educators, and actively go out in the field and DO this stuff in my own life, with some of my closest friends and with more than 150,000 men around the world like I have.


Read and listen to these two ebooks and audiobook that condense down everything I’ve learned about how to get your woman to want you so much just thinking about you immediately gets her panties sopping wet. . . even by tonight.

No fluff and NO “woo woo” emotional stuff.

No guess work at all.

Just the raw information and stealth seduction turn-around techniques it takes to watch her sexuality bloom again like a petal-pink rose.

One Response

  1. you tell us what tim uses to keep his hard on I do not
    use pills and Im 69 (and love 69 ) you young squirts
    but it takes time for me to get some together to even for me to cum what is his secret, I know he has a hot
    moma in looks but I know there is something else, so it is time to tell all, AND yes you are doing it for money
    too so that one will not fly I still would like
    a hug and a kiss on the cheek

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