If you’re going to have a regular Expanded Orgasm practice with your wife or girlfriend, or you want to give regular Yoni massages, you may want to get a pair of these simple cotton rayon pants to wear while you’re DOing her.
Soft Cotton Wrap Pants for Giving Expanded Orgasms <= Click Here To See The Options In My Amazon Store
“DO” stands for Deliberate Orgasm. A “DO Date” is the same as an Expanded Orgasm date. They are just some of the terminology of this marvelous practice.
[Note: Scroll down to a green box at the bottom for a free eBook that explains how an Expanded Orgasm is different than “regular” multiple orgasms.]
Because the DO position has your leg over her stomach, your leg hair can be scratchy to her. Scratchy hair may diminish her ability to simply let go into the sensation and enjoy her Expanded Orgasmic experience.
That is why having soft pants on during your session makes the Expanded Orgasm experience even more exquisite for her. These particular type of pants tie around the waist and are slit up the leg so you can drape the pant leg across her stomach while your legs stay cool.
This is the standard DO position for giving her Expanded Orgasms.
These pants are excellent for lounging around playing video games, doing Tai Chi or yoga and giving your women ever expanding peaks of orgasmic pleasure.
Now THAT’S a guy’s kinda pants, yeah?
The hard part about adding these pants to your closet is finding the ones that tie in front and back. There are many styles of “Thai Fisherman Pants” that are baggy and poorly designed. Since Tim wore his last two pairs out (that’s how often we have Expanded Orgasm dates) I put some in my Amazon store that should work well for you. The vendors are constantly changing on Amazon. So study the pictures and sizing carefully before purchasing as I can’t keep up with it.
You will be astonished that such a simple wrapping pant can look so sexy and feel so light and comfortable.
Here’s that opt-in I mentioned above. When you sign up, we actually email you three eBooks, written by Dr. Patti that explain how Expanded Orgasm works, what the orgasms are like and briefly, how the practice works. If you are looking for a way to give more pleasure, have more erotic lovemaking and expand your lady’s orgasmic abilities, there’s nothing better than Expanded Orgasm.
[ois skin=”DC How Expanded O Can Take”]
One Response
Sloane Fox
When I heard you talking about Tallulah’s FLO the other day, I had on an old pair of jeans. Your delicious sexy presentation produced a great happy tightness. Listening to your voice, even if you were describing some WWII battle is so very seductive and sexually stimulating, I would think of a red hot woman and wonderful sex even if I were in a foxhole.
Keep talking to me. Matt