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Goddess Code: Why Making Her Feel Like Aphrodite Turns Her On

If you want to lead your woman to enjoy more of her natural sensuality with you, one of the best ways is to make her feel like a goddess.

A goddess is different than a queen or a princess. A goddess is a timeless, beautiful woman. For over 3,000 years women have been cultivating their goddess wisdom. Goddesses are such a deep mythical part of human experience that every woman identifies with the goddess. She can be any size or shape, because the goddess is all-encompassing. Inside every woman lives a goddess.

The goddess archetype reminds us women that we come from a rich history of powerful and sexual women in our past. A woman may have many goddess archetypes inside but Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty, sexuality and sensuality. When a woman feels like the goddess Aphrodite, show loves and enjoys her body and her womanly sensuality.

In the book, “Goddesses In Every Woman: A New Psychology Of Women, by Jean Shinoda Bolen M.D. ,she writes, “When a woman knows that she can be drawn toward sexual intimacy she has a compelling wish to repeat the experience. Once her body is aroused and her attention is drawn erotically toward a man, she then wants to merge with him. She wants to be carried by passion toward orgasmic release, brought to the crest of heightened sexual arousal to a climax, where her individuality is submerged in the transpersonal orgasmic experience.

Once the goddess archetype comes alive in relationship, growth of trust and love occurs.

Once a woman is in touch with her inner-Aphrodite, her inhibitions begin to crumble.   Feeling like a goddess can be a tremendous force for change. Through her flow attraction, union, fertilization, incubation, and birth of new life, there is a process that happens on a purely physical plane between a man and a woman. This is the same sequence that you find in all other creative processes as well. Attraction, union, fertilization, incubation, result in a new creation. Creative work comes out of an intense and passionate involvement-almost as if with a lover, as one interacts with the other to bring something new into being.

This is why a woman who is highly sensual is also highly creative.

It could be said as well that this is life force.

Life force springs forth when a woman is in her creative power. Her creative power can also make her more sensual and sexual. As you can see this is a fortuitous cycle. The more you can bring your woman into her sensuality and sexuality, the more you can make it safe for her to let go of her inhibitions, the more you can cultivate her goddesses her goddess-like feelings.

Living with a woman that feels powerful, creative, sensual, and comfortable in her sexuality is an absolutely fabulous experience for her lover.

If you want to be that man that lives with the kind of woman who is fully in her goddess archetype, you can follow the things that we’ve explained in previous emails and blog posts about polarity and awakening your woman’s sensual self. Of all our home study courses, Revive Her Drive gives you specific guidance about exactly how to help your lady feel like a goddess.

In one interview with Ariel White called, “Awakening the Sensual Goddess Within Your Woman,” we cover many strategies including:

  • How to “Hold Space”
  • Vulva Reflexology
  • Covert Coaching
  • Tending To Your Own Inner Sexiness
  • Charging Up Your Heart and Cock
  • Highly-Sensual Touch Sessions
  • Moving Sexual Energy
  • The Downward Flow of Sexual Energy
  • Encouraging Your Woman’s Sensual Activities
  • Self-Nurturing Body Practices
  • Solo Sex
  • Body Mapping Practices
  • Non-Structured Pleasure Sessions
  • The Importance of Scheduling Sessions
  • Connected Breathing Couples Practice
  • Why Yoni Dolls Work

Create that polarity, the pull of masculine and feminine balance. By bringing your masculinity to her she can allow her femininity to come out. By overcoming any issues that she has for her desire, like shame or guilt or fear, when you make it safe for her to let go and surrender to her sensual side, her sexuality can emerge, and with that her creativity and joy of living.

Ever since the goddess Aphrodite emerged from the sea in all her undressed glory, curvaceous, golden–haired, sexy women such as movie queens Jean Harlow, Lana Turner, and Marilyn Monroe have personified the goddess of love. When Aphrodite is an active part of a plain woman, that woman does not draw men to her from across the room. Those who come close, however, find her engaging and charming. Many rather ordinary looking women with the Aphrodite qualities attract others with the magnetic warmth of their personalities and their natural, unselfconscious sensuality. These “plain Jane’s” always seem to have men in their lives, while their more well-endowed, objectively pretty sisters may sit by the phone or sit out a dance, puzzling, “What does she have, that I don’t?”

Discover more about how to turn her on, download our free eBook!

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5 Responses

  1. Susan
    I understand now why my wife-to-be wants a child with me.
    thank you so much, I thought it was a wonderful idea myself to be a father again at 88, and we will do it. It is her creative emotion that moves her.

  2. I believe there is a goddess inside of my vagina, and this goddess is awakened when I touch my special place. Aphrodite is what I call her and the special place is the isle of lesbos.

  3. My life goal id to wake up the Godess that is hiding inside my wife’s body. I would make us both happier than we have ever been as a couple or as two people looking for the meaning and enjoyment of our lives.

    1. you mean of course a reduction in any sense of self consciousness in matters intimate…? Interestingly, the more goddess like the female is perceived, the more it has a reduction in whatever self consciousnesses the male may have, too, I believe, at least in the most intimate environment[s].

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