Try this.
Combine a hot make-out (a kissing session) in bed as you massage her body with your full body pressed against her.
Lie side by side or hold yourself up on your bent arms over her.
Begin by lightly pressing and meeting your body to hers as you are lightly kissing her cheeks, her forehead, her eyelids, her neck, her lips, her earlobes and her neck.
Savor the pure joy of how it feels to have her close.
Whisper appreciations about how she feels in her ear.
Selfishly enjoy every moment of touch and encourage her to use your body against hers for her own pleasure.
Continue to ramp up the kisses slowly. Don’t give her wet kisses until you sense her relaxing.
Allow her to open to you and slow waaaaaay down.
Breathe deeply and begin to simply be present to all the delicious pleasure and sensation you experience.
Let go of any thoughts about whether you are “doing it right” and just enjoy yourself in the moment.
Stay connected to your lover.
Tell her again what you are doing that is getting you more turned on.
Tell her you are not going to try to have sex with her.
Explain that you just want to enjoy this liquid feeling of desire for her and that she’d have to BEG you to make love to her and even then, you won’t.
Tease and tantalize her.
Then take a rest and just hold her.
At the end, give her the best hug in the world <=== Click Here To Discover
To Have and To Hold.
With love,
Sloane Fox
2 Responses
I have been reading out a few of your stories and i can state pretty nice stuff. I will definitely bookmark your site.
I love your articles….very informative…..right on the mark!