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PlayDoh® Genital Anatomy Creations (Sweet!)

Gosh, I love speaking from the stage! It is so nice to see you lovely people in the flesh.

The highlight of my presentation? 

A hands-on demonstration using PlayDoh® to demystify the complexities of our intimate anatomy. We sculpted a basic representation of male anatomy with Dave Asprey and discussed erectile tissue. Then, drawing gasps of surprise from the crowd, we manipulated the same volume of tissue into a model of three critical areas of intimate female anatomy: the clitoral, urethral, and perineal clusters.

It was a moment of realization for many in the audience that women have equal erectile tissue to men—it’s just arranged differently within the sensitive area. And, speaking of revelations, who knew that only half of the male organ is usually visible to the naked eye? 

Erectile Tissue Volume


Everyone told me they didn’t realize women had as much sensual tissue as men. They thought the clitoris was the only tissue. Some knew the clitoris had arms and legs, but most thought it was just the nub of the glans. Most people didn’t realize there was a clitoral shaft, either.

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

Then I explained that BLOOD FLOW was as important to women as men. Men have fast-acting hemodynamics (blood flow), and women’s sensual tissue fills more slowly.

Bing! The lightbulbs started going off.

With this newfound understanding of our intimate anatomy, we explored ways to enhance our responses. 

People approached me afterward and exclaimed their frustration that they weren’t taught these things. I explained to them that I’m monitoring the leading edge of research and distilling into simple ways to understand our peak pleasure potential.

At least forty or fifty people told me they LOVED my information, especially the frank talk. After the PlayDoh® exercise, we learned how important it is to activate all the tissue in our genitals. That the more it’s loved, the more sensation it delivers.

When people approached me with compliments, I asked them their biggest “AHA! Moment” or key takeaway. Besides the sheer volume of “erectile engorgement who knew?!?!” responses, there was another theme…

Susan Biohacking Event


Women approached me much more than men. In the post-#metoo world, men are much more cautious about discussing sex with women. I understand. 

For the women — it was about fifty-fifty — who were in two camps.

Camp #1. “My husband/boyfriend doesn’t want us to be as adventurous and daring during intimacy.” 

These women were BUMMED. They know they are missing a lot of pleasure due to their partner’s insecurities.

Camp #2. “Whenever we talk about trying something NEW, he’s always like, GO GO GO!”

Those women had a twinkle in their eyes and a spring in their step. 

I hope you’re in Camp 2—the fun person with the fun partner. 

If not, email me, and let’s see what we can do to change that. 

I’m off to see Dave again in two days to record the Superhuman Podcast with him. I’ll let you know when that airs and when you can watch the video replay of my keynote.

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