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The NEW “Susan Bratton Show”


I have a new SHOW! 

The Susan Bratton Show 1

This is so darn fun and exciting and I can’t wait for you to watch it.

I decided to create The Susan Bratton Show as a way to answer so many of my fans’ questions.

If you wrote to me recently and haven’t heard back it’s likely that I was able to answer your email in one of the new Susan Bratton shows.

The first six episodes are organized into these topics:

#1 Masturbation

#2 How To Get My Partner To…

#3 My Lady Parts Hurt!

#4 Dick Issues

#5 Dating Dilemmas

#6 Weird Sex

For the first show on self-pleasuring, I’m dressed up as the Masturbation Magician

One of the most common emails I get about the topic is if it’s good or bad to masturbate and if it’s going to affect a person’s relationship or marriage in their old age. 

Not only do I answer those questions in the video, but I also talk about all the things you have to take into consideration if you’re in a relationship and you’re masturbating… 

Why you don’t want to masturbate the same way all the time… 

And why you might not want to masturbate to porn. 

Watch My Video “The Susan Bratton Show: Masturbation Side Effects and Benefits”


I also go deeper into all the many reasons why you SHOULD masturbate, and how to do it in ways that support your sex life. 

Masturbation isn’t just about getting off on your own. You can use it as a tool to get better at making love. 

I also answer a reader’s question about why their partner could only get off during sex if they masturbate. 

Curious as to what the Masturbation Magician thinks? 

I also want to give you one of my FREE books, 7 Stimulating Sex Positions. 

In this book, you’ll discover how to incorporate sex toys into partner play, as well as pleasure multiple erotic spots at the same time. 

You can use some of my favorite

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toys for sex and solo pleasuring. 

Click Here ⇒ To Download 7 Stimulating Sex Positions

7 Stimulating Sex Positions Cover

One Response

  1. I watched your video on masterbation and have a question: My partner has recently gone through menopause and is on antidepressants; this has had three consequences, she no longer has the libido she once had, when we’ve tried to have sex she tells me it hurts and she used to have glorious orgasms but doesn’t any longer. I’ve suggested several different ways we might try to have sex but she doesn’t want to experiment. I’ve always believed sex should feel good and both of us should have an orgasm. I love her, my libido is unchanged and I feel as though this part of our relationship has become almost history which leaves me frustrated in several ways. What should I do? Is there a way to get the spark back? As of now I’m having a regular sex life for one.

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