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[SURVEY] How Satisfied Are You?

See this picture? I superimposed myself on someone else’s TED talk photo to visualize my goal of doing a TED talk. I made it my computer desktop image.

Do you know about TED talks? They are short speeches on interesting subjects including sexuality.


As part of my talk, I’d like to use data points from this Sexual Satisfaction Survey.

It’s a short survey that asks you to rate yourself as a lover. Would you take it for me, please?


I have three possible titles for my talk:

  • What The Animal Kingdom Knows That Will Save Your Sex Life
  • Crossing the ‘Gasm Chasm: The Map To Unlimited Pleasure Together
  • The Primal Pact: How To Ask For What You Want In The Bedroom

Which one intrigues you the most? Please reply! I’d love your feedback.

Here’s a short description of my proposed talk:

Men and women everywhere are sexually disconnected and turned off. Relationships that lack passion can make us feel abandoned and inadequate. Most people stuck in a sexless marriage or relationship simply give up.

Frustrated women are typically afraid to ask for what they want in bed. Others don’t even know what they want, they just know what they’re getting isn’t it. So they suffer in silence to protect their partner’s ego.

Being testosterone-dominant, men are hard-wired to penetrate and conquer between the sheets. This can cause women to shut down sexually and hide emotionally.

In the process of my own journey to recover the passionate connection I’d lost with my husband, along with thousands of conversations with men and women in sexual crisis, I discovered a specific method that makes it easy for couples to experience the intimacy we all crave in the bedroom.

The Primal Pact is a prescription for healthy sexual communication we haven’t been given before. Our deepest sensuality begins at the point of recognizing our origin as homo sapiens. Once we women learn to speak from and for the “animal body” we live in… once we honor the cyclical nature of our sexual desires… we become more confident lovers, able to communicate what will give us pleasure in the moment.

When we communicate what our body needs as simple feedback, offered so our partner can “win” in the bedroom, we can begin to ride the waves of ecstasy together. Failure is taken out of the equation; sex becomes an adventure. The circle of safety we co-create with this Primal Pact produces genuine intimacy, exquisite pleasure and the soulful connection that is our birthright.

Thanks for taking the survey for me. I can’t wait to share the results. And cross your fingers that I am selected for TED.


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