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Poor Masturbation Habits Are Wrecking Your Sex Life

Men need to masturbate but poor masturbation habits can lead to sexual anxiety.

The way you masturbate could be ruining your ability to get or stay hard.

We all learned so much from Jim Benson over the last three weeks of our live, online workshops. The thousand of men and women who attended had so much fun responding to each other in the chat channel as we watched Jim teach the workshop.

Many guys said they had NO ONE to talk to about their sex lives… not even their wives.

A lot of attendees gained compassion and empathy by sharing their sexual secrets in this safe place.

A lot of camaraderie was built because everyone was so supportive of each other. It was a sweet experience I’ll never forget. And you can feel the experience yourself if you watch the replay.

One of the things Jim taught us was a shocker to almost every guy at the workshop.

(NEW! Each Workshop Replay Includes Fast Forward Controller So You Can Repeat Sections or Skip Ahead.)

Last As Long As She Wants  Watch Now or Bookmark (3 hours)

He explained that many guys have trained their bodies to become quick ejaculators because when they masturbate they do it FAST, so they don’t get caught.

Further, many men have lost their ability to get hard around flesh and blood women because they masturbate to porn and it ruins their desire for sex with women in the real world.

Listen, masturbation is important for men. They need to be ready to inseminate a woman when she’s willing and wants him. Guys need to keep their equipment tuned up and ready to go. There is nothing wrong with that —it’s human nature.

But if you don’t know how to manage your arousal levels…

If you cannot take yourself up and down the arousal scale…

It takes it toll on your stamina.

I’ll bet you never thought about their being a “right” and “wrong” way to masturbate.

But there is.

And Jim talks about this in depth in the Get Hard, Stay Hard & Last As Long As You Want Workshop <— Watch It Here.

The way you masturbate could be ruining your ability to get or stay hard.

Take a minute now to watch this vital information before the replays are taken down.

If you’d like to watch any of the three workshops, you can see replays here:

(NEW! Each Workshop Replay Includes Fast Forward Controller So You Can Repeat Sections or Skip Ahead.)

Trigger Her Vaginal Orgasms  Watch Now or Bookmark (3 hours)
Last As Long As She Wants  Watch Now or Bookmark (3 hours)
How To Be A Multi-Orgasmic Man  Watch Now or Bookmark (3 hours)

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